Work and Friends

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*Ellie's POV*

I wake up alone in Stevie's bed. Where did she go? Last night was amazing. I sit up and look around the room. Ugh, where is she? I want to kiss her!

I get out of the bed and put on what ever clothes I find on the floor, Stevie's T shirt and my shorts.

I walk out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.

"Hey!" I say to Kyla, the only one here.

"What's up?"

"Where's Stevie?" I ask.

"Turns out she had to go to work. We can go visit her later."

"Okay. Umm where does she work?"

"Music shop down the street, we can walk over. Go get dressed." Kyla says and winks at me.

I open my bag and search for something good to wear. I'm guessing it's pretty nice outside, so shorts will do. And a tee shirt should be good. I'm going to keep Stevie's shirt on, it's the one she wore yesterday so it still smells like her.

I put some makeup on and a black SnapBack. I'm ready to go.

We leave the apartment building and start walking to wherever we're going.

"Would you like to stop and get a coffee? We can grab Stevie one as well." Kyla asks.

"Yes, that sounds good." I say.

We walk into Starbucks and I'm immediately recognized. Shit.

"Oh my gosh! Ellie Goulding?" A teenage girl yells right in my face.

"Uhhh..." is all I make out.

"I know why you're here! You're with that girl Stevie that works at the music store!" She says very loudly.

"Uhh yeah..."

"I'm so good!"

"I'm sorry but can you be quiet." oops that sounded a bit rude.

"Oh sorry! My mom is leaving me. Bye!" She says and leaves.

Damn, she was kinda annoying. I'm trying to keep it a secret that I'm here. Some people just have to invade your space. I'm just glad she didn't ask for a picture or anything.

I order for myself and Stevie. I know what she likes, we've gotten coffee a few times together. Kyla orders after me.

"Okay, can I have your names?" the guys asks.

"Kyla." Kyla answers.

"Stevie and Elena." I say pointing to which is which.

"So that's your real name?" Kyla asks.


"Cool, Elena." she winks at me.

The guy brings back our drinks.

"So, you wouldn't happen to have a phone number would you?" He asks me.

"I have a girlfriend." I answer.

"Oh... okay?"

"Yeah. See this drink is for her. I'm taking it to her at her work place." I say being a bit rude now.

"Okay, okay. You have a nice day." He says feeling bummed.


We finally make it to the music shop where Stevie works. It's full of many records and CDs, new and old. Many posters of different artists, new and old. Oh look there's me. Stevie probably put that there. I smile at the thought. There's lots of guitars, few pianos, few keyboards, a couple drum sets, and more.

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