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*Stevie's POV*

They call for my flight over the intercom. My heart starts racing and I'm overcome with sadness.

I kiss Ellie passionately, knowing it will be our last kiss for a couple months. I pull away and look into her beautiful chocolate brown eyes. I half smile and it's interrupted by tears starting to flow from my eyes. I look down avoiding eye contact. Ellie lifts my chin and our eyes meet again. Her eyes are glossy from the tears she is holding back. She wipes the tears from my cheeks.

She takes the SnapBack off of her head. She transfers it to my head and positions it to her liking. She smiles at me and a single tear falls from her eye.

"Ellie, you know it's okay to cry." I kiss the tear away.

She nods her head and cries more.

"You look so adorable..." She says and quiet sobs begin to escape her mouth.

I quickly pull her into a comforting hug. I listen to her quiet sobs and feel my shirt beginning to get soaked. I let tears fall from my eyes as I rub Ellie's back trying to calm her down.

She let's out of the hug and looks me in the eyes with pure love. "It's going to be alright." She reassures me them quickly crashes her lips onto mine letting the kiss quickly escalate.

They call for my flight again, it's the last call. If I don't go now I'll miss my flight. I pull away from Ellie's tight grip. I grab both her hands then kiss her forehead, cheek, then her lips.

"I'm not going to say goodbye..." I say.

"Neither am I."

"See ya later alligator!" I smile.

"See ya..."

"I love you Elena." I say.

"I love you Stevie..." She says and we share another kiss.

I let go of her and walk away with my backpack on. I look back and notice Ellie is wearing my favorite shirt. She must have stolen it out of my bag... I love her so much.

I get inside the plain and I take my seat next to a woman and her teenage daughter. I got a window seat, thank god. I wipe my tears away with the sleeves of my sweater. The plane takes off and we're in the air headed towards California. I take Ellie's SnapBack off and look at it, it's her most favorite one. I hold it to my heart.

"Are you alright?" The teenage girl asks me.

"Yeah, long distance relationships suck." I answer.

"I bet... Did you just have to leave your boyfriend?"

"No. Well yes. Uhh... It's a long story." I stutter.

"And we have a long flight. Spill it." She says. She is quite pushy but I understand she just wants to help.

"Should I start from the beginning?" I ask.

"Yeah. And by the way I know who you are, you're Ellie Goulding's girlfriend. I was just asking those questions to be sure. I still want to hear the story."

"You're not recording me in any way, are you? And your not gonna go tell the world, right?"

"I pinky promise." She says and we lock pinky fingers for a second.

"Okay, so I went to her concert. I met her afterwards. Then we went to Colorado, then Florida, then Canada, then we came back to Utah and we stayed there for a while. We're madly in love and she has to go tour over there in those countries that aren't America and play festivals and all that... I'm going to Cali to work on a new job. So we're separated for a couple months, it's hard." I explain.

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