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*Ellie's POV*

I half wake up and stretch my arms out. I accidentally smack Stevie in the face with my arm instantly waking her.

"What?" She sits up quickly and looks at me worried.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to hit you." I apologize.

"It's okay, I still love you." She says and wraps her arms around me and cuddling up closer to me.

"What time do you have to be to work?" I ask.

Stevie is working today and our camping plans got pushed back because her parents have something.

"Nine. What time is it now?"

"Half passed seven."

"I better get up and get ready." She says and sits up again.

She runs her hands through her long, wavy hair. She pushes it all over to one side like she always does. I push myself up into a sitting position and Stevie gets off the bed. I watch her clean the clothes up off the floor.

"Would you like to go on a quick run with me?" She asks.

"Of coarse!" I answer.

She comes over to me and pulls me out of bed.


We get back from our run and Stevie jumps in the shower. I sit on the bed waiting for her to be done so I can clean up.

Stevie's phone begins to ring. I'm tempted to answer it.

I look at the contact and notice that it's her dad. I quickly decline. Why am I so afraid to meet her dad, or even talk to him through the phone. Probably because my dad betrayed me and left me behind. But maybe her dad could change my thinking and I could come to like him - not in a weird way.

He calls again. This time I answer.

"Hello." I say in a cheery voice.

"Hi, who is this?" His very masculine voice asks.

"This is Ellie. Do you know who I am?"

"Yeah, Stevie told me a bit about you."

"Well Stevie is in the shower, would you like me to give her a message?" I ask kindly.

"Just have her call me back if you could." he says.

"Will do."

I hang up.

I want to continue playing on her phone, I don't think she will get mad. I go onto twitter and tweet things I find hilarious. Then I go onto Instagram and take a whole bunch of selfies, I post about half of them, which is still a lot.

Stevie rushes into her room and quickly gets dressed. She doesn't even notice me on her phone. She has about fifteen minutes until she is supposed to be at her work place. She puts on her usual makeup - winged eyeliner, mascara, foundation, and a light color lip gloss.

I continue to do things on her phone.

"I gotta go. Come see me if you want to." She says and gives me a quick kiss. "love you, bye." she finishes and walks out the door.

She totally just left her phone with me. I take both my phone and hers into the bathroom. Kyla is gone so it's just me. I get in the shower quick.

I get dressed and do my makeup.

My phone starts to ring. it's an unknown number, honestly I hate unknown numbers but I usually have to answer them for my job. I answer it.

"Hey El, it's me." I hear Stevie's voice.

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