She Found It

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*Ellie's POV*

I wake up with my arms wrapped tightly around Stevie. I'm still in shock that she is actually here with me. Honestly the best surprise I have ever gotten. She is already awake and on her phone, I'm not sure she even slept at all, she told me she slept most of her flight over and there is quite a big time change from California. I think it would be afternoon there right now.

I squeeze her tighter and lay my head back down on her chest. She puts her phone down and hugs me tight. She kisses the too if my head gently and runs her fingers through my hair. I missed her so much. I lift my head up and look into her beautiful blue eyes. I move myself up and press my lips against hers.

"What would you like to do today?" I ask her.

"Anything with you." She answers and kisses my forehead.

"Don't worry, I won't let you go." I smile and hug her again. "how about we go discover Sydney, Australia on bicycles?" I suggest and sit up.

"Sounds amazing." She gets off the bed.

We get ready and get in a cab to take us to a bike shop near the beach. We rent two bikes and begin riding along a trail side by side. I manage to take a couple Selfies with Stevie without wrecking.

"Ellie don't get too close to me I will wreck." Stevie warns me but I don't listen. Like she said she falls over. I stop my bike and laugh at her until I realize she isn't too happy. I go into serious mode an get off my bike and walk over to her sitting on the ground with the bike on top of her. She crosses her arms and starts to pout like a child.

"I told you." She rolls her eyes playfully. I notice the fresh scar again on her head. Good thing that didn't happen once again.

"Are you alright babe?" I ask helping her up. She shows me the fresh scrapes on her knees. "I'm sorry." I hug her. "I forgive you." She says in a funny voice making me giggle.

We get back on the bikes and ride until we get to a park. We park the bikes and sit under a big shady tree. I take the picnic that we had packed earlier out of my backpack. I also find some band aids for Stevie's knees. We talked every day while we were apart but there is still so much to catch up on.

I can't believe how well Stevie's debut single is doing, they're thinking of putting it on the radio and everything. My fans are going crazy over it, they suggest we do a duet, that is a possibility. Stevie's voice and writing skills are amazing I don't know why anyone wouldn't like her music, unless maybe it just isn't their favorite genre.

Stevie lays down on my lap as I lean against the tree. I play with her hair and just enjoy her presence.

"Stevie, should we get up and keep going?" I ask her. I get no answer. "Stevie?" I lean over and notice that she is sleeping on me. Oh goodness, this girl is cute. I snap a quick picture and try to wake her. She finally sits up. She looks at me then quickly hugs me catching me of guard. I quickly hug back. We get back on the bikes and continue on our way.

We stop by the beach, Stevie runs straight to the water. She let's the waves hit her feet and I join her. She puts her arm around me and pulls me closer. I wrap my arms around her waist and rest my head on her chest.

"You like the beach, huh?" I ask her.

"I love it. I just wish it was warmer so I could go swimming. I went to the beach a lot in California, I love it there." She says.

I look out at the ocean and think. I think Stevie really likes California, she probably wants to live there. I was once going to move there until I changed my mind. I love it in London, but I would live anywhere to be with this idiot.

"I know you want to live there." I say.

"I do, but I never told you that. I thought you would want to live in London." She says.

"I do, but I would live anywhere with you."

"I love you El." She smiles.

"I love you too." I kiss her softly letting my lips stay pressed against hers.


"I'm going to take a bath. You can join me in a bit." I tell Stevie when we get back to our hotel room.

I take my clothes off and run the water. When it's filled to my liking I step in and sit down in the bubbly water. I sit there and relax for a minute. Then a thought crosses my mind, Stevie came here when I didn't expect it. I've been carrying that ring around since I bought it, I've even been sleeping next to it. I may or may not have left it on the night stand. I don't think I did. Let's hope not. Just as I stop thinking about it Stevie walks in with the little case in her hand.

"Ellie, What is this?" She asks holding it up. Oops, she found it... Her face is bright red and she looks like she was crying. Not happy tears, She looks mad and a bit sad.

"It- it's nothing give it to me." I say trying not to freak out.

"We're you proposed to while I was gone?" She asks really angry. Sometimes she comes up with stupid things.


"Then what is this?" She is still mad.

"Stevie! The ring was meant for you! Okay? I was going to wait but I guess I can't now. Stevie will you marry me?"

~~~~ Two chapters in one day, well sorta. I updated in the morning now at night. Please Vote and Comment!! Thanks for reading! ~~~~

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