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*Stevie's POV*

I told Ellie everything. She took it far better than I thought. She told me she loves me even more for my flaws. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders, I think I might finally be able to move on.

We're back at my apartment. My parents got home yesterday and we left to come back here.

"What are we doing today?" Ellie asks as she joins me on the couch.

"I have a dentist appointment. Then we will pack for camping tomorrow." I answer.

"What time is your appointment?"

"In a half hour, I should get going. Do you want to come?" I ask.


We get up from the couch and get things ready to go.

We get in my car and I drive to the dentists office.

We get there and sit down in the waiting room with like six other people.

"Stevie?" The lady calls my name.

"I'll wait here." Ellie smiles.

"Alright see ya in a few." I say and follow the lady down the hall and into a room.

I lay down on the chair and the dentist comes in.

"Hello, how are you?" he asks being friendly.

"I'm great." I smile.

"So do you have a boyfriend?" He asks trying make conversation as he gets the equipment ready.

"Uh, girlfriend." I answer.

"Oh... and how is she?"

"Awesome." I smile thinking of Ellie.

"What's her name?"


He smiles at me. He give me a shot to numb my mouth then starts doing what he needs.

It takes about a half hour then I'm aloud to leave. I walk out into the waiting room and get Ellie. We get in my car.

"How was it?" She ask.

"Good." I slur.

"Are you alright?" She laughs.

"My mouth is numb." I laugh.

"Oh." She giggles and kisses me in the cheek.

"Yeah, I didn't even feel that."

She kisses my temple.

"Feel that?"

I nod my head and continue to drive down the road.


I plop down on my bed with my feet hanging off. I got all my clothes packed, but we need to go grocery shopping. We need a tent and a whole bunch of other camping things.

"I need to go to the store to get things for camping." I announce.

"What do we need?" Ellie asks laying on the floor.

"A tent, food, and just a whole bunch of other shit." I answer. "I better go, do you want to come?"

"Yes. I'm scared to be alone."

"Awe, you don't have to be alone ever!" I get up and grab my car keys and wallet.

We get to the store and I grab a shopping cart to put everything in. I don't think much is going to fit because Ellie decided she wants to ride in it. We get all the camping things then head over to the food.

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