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*Ellie's POV*

I wake up and roll over expecting to see Stevie still asleep. I'm unpleasantly surprised realizing she isn't next to me. I sit up and rub my eyes. I climb out if the fort we had made last night. I hear Stevie talking and I look around. She is in the courtyard talking on the phone.

I knock on the glass wall to get her to notice me. She turns around and smiles then waves. I blow her a kiss then walk into our bedroom to get dressed. I put on my running clothes and put my messy hair into a ponytail. I walk back out and slide the glass door open and walk into the courtyard. It's a really nice morning after the storm last night.

Stevie is still on the phone and in her underwear. I want her to come on a run with me. "Babe, who are you talking to?" I whisper.

"It's Kyla. She wants to come visit." She holds the phone away and tells me.

"Tell her she can come spend a week when we get back from Europe." I say. We have to go to Europe for a couple of things.

She tells Kyla when we will be back and tells her to book a flight. She finally hangs up.

"Come on a run with me please." I say.

She gets dressed and we leave the house.


We get back and sit down to have some breakfast.

"So we are supposed to go over to the neighbors for dinner tonight." Stevie reminds me.

"Oh yeah."

"We should make cookies or something to take over with us." She suggests.

"I don't think we have any ingredients."

"Let's go buy some."

"Alright." I say and start putting the food away.

Once we are ready I ask Stevie to put Ash outside and I get in the car. She gets in the passenger seat and I pull out of the garage.

As we start driving down the street we see our neighbor out in his front yard. We wave and stop for a minute.

"Are you two still planning on coming over tonight?" He asks.

"Yes." I smile.

"Alright! See you at seven." He smiles and we continue on.

We get to the store and walk in.


After ruining two batches of cookies we finally got a good batch. We got dressed up casually and walked to the neighbors house.

Stevie rings their doorbell and he opens the door quickly.

"Hello! Please come in." He says very welcoming. "This is my husband Jason. And our son Austin." He says and I'm quite surprised.

They both look about thirty and the little boy looks about four.

"Aww. How old are you buddy?" Stevie gets down to his level and asks him.

He holds up three fingers. "I'm fwee." He says.

"How cute." I smile.

"Well come on in." Jason says and leads us into the kitchen.

We sit at their very nice table in their very nice kitchen.

Cory serves us and tells us that everything is vegan. "I made all vegan food based on a stereotype that all lesbians are vegan." We all laugh.

"Well good move because we are both vegan." Stevie smiles.


"The food was amazing." I say once we are all finished.

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