Capítulo 22 (veintidós)

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"I'm not on their side nor am I on yours, but I won't forgive anyone if they speak ill of people I love and care for. Not even you, Roderich." She all but growled that and something inside of me began to shake as if scared, as if I'm on the verge of dying. The woman turned around and clenched the skirt in her hands tightly, her knuckles going white and her shoulders shaking gently. I reached out, taking a step, two, before locking my arms around her, squeezing her frame.

As if it would make things better.

She all but wiggled herself out of my embrace, walking to the mahogany door and opening it. "I didn't think you were such an asshole, Roderich. I can't believe I fell in love with you." She sobbed, tears sparkling in the corners of her eyes as she left, shutting the door behind her.

I was shocked, upset, angry and embarrassed at the same time. I couldn't believe what just happened; it was truthfully stupid of me to say such things but it's not my fault it's true! But still, I behaved wrongfully and now, her trust for me is shattered all over the floor.

"Scheisse," I muttered, going over to the piano and sitting down, massaging my temples and sighing as I buried my face into the palms of my hands. I sobbed faintly, weakly, like the loser I was. I just couldn't believe I made the love of my life cry and I hurt her feelings, saying those terrible things about something she was very sensitive about. I desperately wanted to just do something, anything but instead, I was crying my eyes out, soft sobs escaping me and air hitching.

I couldn't stop thinking, stop the whole disagreement leave my mind and it all held me from breathing. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't fucking breathe. There was an invisible collar around my neck, tightening its grip on my throat with each second passing. My heart was racing rapidly and my hands were shaking so much, and so did my knees.

This panic of mine loosened its grip on me after a few moments, finally letting me breathe. I gasped for air, rushing it inside my lungs desperately. This was a great punishment, I realized after it all faded away, letting me relax at last. As soon as I felt strength coming back to me, I bolted out from the room, running down the halls while searching for my beloved brunette.

My heart was drumming in my ears, I could not decide if either I was on fire on getting frozen into a piece of ice. Subjects were running past me, the whole world was spinning so fast I was afraid that if I even dared to stop in my tracks, I would fall out and disappear.

Panic began to fill me up again for I couldn't find her. I ran up and down through the whole hall, then the second floor. I checked every room, even the hidden ones just to find Eli and beg her for forgiveness. And while I was growing more and more anxious, it all but shattered once I came about the corner. The world stopped, the time stopped, my heart stopped, everything stopped.

There she was, my dear Elizabeta, sobbing loudly, her cries blocking anything else. She was curled up with her face in Antonio's chest, whole figure trembling and who was the one comforting her? Not me, like I was supposed to, but the man I offended.

I was lost and for the first time, I did not know what to do. I felt like life left me, I stopped existing and vanished into thin air until the Spaniard raised his gaze, arms fitting tighter around her body in a very protective way. And just then, I heard a shattering noise in my ears. I looked around but there was nothing scattered on the floor so what the hell was it? Emerald eyes burned into me and suddenly, I wasn't alive anymore.

So this is what dying feels like...that ass was right after all, power means nothing once you're dead.


Okay, this chapter is a MESS. I always try to express the character's feelings as much as possible and, please, remember Roderich was in rage and then having a panic attack; that's why it is so messy. I know it's a bad excuse but he's a little emotionless idiot not used to feeling anything so this happens lol The next chapter is way better and longer, I promise.

Anyway, things got a bit spicy XD I hope you liked it and Honestly, I wanted Roderich to suffer a little lol I really don't know what to say because this one's so bad XD I'll probably upload the next chapter sooner than on Friday to make it up to you. ( I'mma go and yeet myself out of window or play Minecraft and idk, suffer from my own failure). 

Be sure to tell me what you think, what would you like to see next or anything in general! A little something for future refrence; would you like to read some smut? Let me know. Thanks for reading, I love you all! <3 

- Boora-kun


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