"Hope no one knows we are here though,"he asked.

"Obviously not,if the bully doesn't want to be found out anyway,"I shrugged off.

"Tara,believe me if I tell you I've stopped bullying."

"Oh my!I'm super shocked! When did this ever happen?"I asked sarcastically.

"Tara!I'm serious! I'm done with bullying,it's not a good thing to do,"he whined.

"I'm just here to get my book and go home,so I don't really understand the essence of a private meeting by the pool,"I firmly stated then I stretched my hands to him.

"I want to make a preposition first before you get your book back. I know how much it means to you."

"And I won't agree to any made by a snake like you! Just give my my book and leave me alone!"I raised my voice and stood up,my hands still stetched out.

He huffed out,a glint of anger showing on his face."Tara,please sit down. I'm not even started yet."

Ok,I get this private place is just for him to respect the fact that I love my things being a secret,but can't he just give my my book! What's do hard in that? And that preposition,I'm out!

"No,give my book back,please!"

"I've read your work and it's amazing Tara! Why do you keep it all a secret?"he asked tactfully changing the subject.

I took a deep breath. I sat down because I knew it would take a really long time to get the book. Oh boy!

"Coz I choose to. Until I die,it remains a secret. And since you indulged in it too soon,you have to swear that you'll keep it a secret."

"If you accept the preposition first Tara."

"What is it then?"I was now getting annoyed and mentally tired.

He said something that broke all my defenses. It was the least expected statement I would hear from him.

"I also write poems. I'm sure you know my Instagram handle. I follow your mom and that's how I guessed that you too must be writing poems."

"You stole my book?"

"You dropped it as you lost consciousness. You didn't believe me when I told you face to face that I can help,but when I send a note,you gallop here."

Whoa! Why am I feeling attacked. I just remained silent.

"Did I say something bad?"his eyes flickered concern.

"Ummmm...no you didn't. You just reminded me of my childhood. That's all. But propose your idea,I've been waiting for so long,"I quietly replied tears trying to come but I blinked them away as I faced away from him.

"I'm sorry if I was abrasive. And for all the time I tortured you."


"Anyway I was thinking we could write a poem together."he said nonchulantly.

Say what now? Write a poem together? Is he high or mad?

"What!"I yelped,as if I was stung. Yes the news actually stung.

"I'm serious. Your poems are amazing and maybe we could enter as a duet in the current competition."

Silence. I took time to absorb what he said.

"Why me? Why can't you write and submit on your own?" I asked confusedly.

"Coz...I think we can make a great team. I believe we can come up with poems that inspire other people to do good. And two are better than one,"he finished. He wrung his hands,obviously showing that he's nervous.

"That was so sudden,especially from you,a bully. I'll think about it." It was late and I needed to reach home before my father could wring out the truth out of me.

"We can talk then,"as he entered his shoulder bag to get...my book. Joy filled my soul and I suddenly felt refreshed.

"Actually,if I trust that you'll keep my poetry book a secret you have a deal,"I replied as I change d my mind. Guarantee that my poems remain a secret.

"Trust me Tara. I won't disappoint."he solemnly promised.

I again took a deep breath. This is going to be probably the worst mistake,but I'll take the risk. I just have a good gut feeling about this whole thing.

"Ok...we have a deal then. Can I get my book back?" I asked wearily.

"Ok...here it is,"he gave the precious book to me." Can I have your number,just to keep in touch?"

"Ummmm...it's not like I have a choice anyway,"I chuckled and we started walking out of the complex into the parking.

"I'll ride you home Tara...I've caused enough trouble for you."

"I can't say no to such a irresistible request," we both laughed as he opened for me the door.

It was heading to 7pm when we left. This was the beginning of something that I didn't know I'm entering to. I thought it was just a deal,but it seems like it was more than that.

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