"Stella," he says lightly crawling over a bit not standing from the floor. "You're alive."

"So are you," I say turning over to face him better. "What time is it?" I ask.

"Like six," He says not very confident.

"Thought You were mad at me?"

"I was," he shakes his head a little. "I am." I raise one of my eyebrows.

"I find that hard to believe," I say simply. He sighs and moves up putting his arm on the bed and his head follows his arm. This small normal movement causes us to be a lot closer than before. I can almost feel is warm breath on my face. "Heard you got Kingpin," I say after a second of silence. He nods lightly not moving much.

"Yeah, turns out his name is Wilson Fisk," Peter says look down at his grey sheets. "He was trying to build a portal to another world to try and bring his family back. I stopped him before he could finish building it."

"Nice job," I say monotoned. He nods again and finally looks up at me.

"Why were you on the roof?" He asks. I sigh and shrug a little.

"I couldn't sleep last night so I went up there to think, and I must have had another fit cause I don't really remember much," I explain. Looks down at my hand and sighs looking back at me.

"Did something happen to cause the fit? I kind of felt it but I was a little busy," he says. I can tell he wants to hold my hand again but there is no real reason for him to do. It's normally just a calming effect for when I have my weird too much noise fits. I'm completely calm now, yet he still has the urge to run circles and figure eights on my hand.

"You look a little pale Peter are you okay?" I ask changing the subject back to him to avoid telling him the real reason I was on the roof. He nods and I smile lightly. I move my hand to wrap around his and start moving my thumb like he does to me. He smiles lightly looking down and watching my thumb go back and forth on the back of his hand. His eyes move to mine and the quickly back down to his sheets. "MJ gave the impression that you two might have broken up," I say, treading lightly to make sure he doesn't feel worse. He nods lightly not looking at me.

"We've been on thin ice for awhile," he explains. "Leaving to get Kingpin during the dance was kind of the last straw for her."

"I'm sorry," I say losing my smile. He shrugs a tiny bit.

"For some reason I'm not all the depressed about it," he says simply. "I'm actually happy I was Spider-Man last night. Otherwise Kingpin would've finished his portal and who knows what would've happened to our world," he explains.

"Well the Physics are there. That's dealing with dark matter and the space time continuum." I look at him and it's the first time he's looking back in a hot minute. I look down at our hands and it seems we've switched without knowing it as he's running his finger tips up and down my wrist. It should make it feel like a thousand needles, but I don't feel any pain. It's the best it's felt since I sprained it. I suddenly feel weird and decide to sit up and remove my hand. He clears his throat and stands sitting in a near by chair. He must of felt the awkward silence too. I lean against the wall and bring my knees to my chest and sigh.

"What's wrong?" He asks. I shake my head as if to say nothing but something tells me he isn't gonna buy that.

"I'm moving," I say after a long silence of debating. He raises his eyebrows.


"I'm moving. That's why I was up on the roof. I was getting one last look at Queens."

"Well are you going far?" I shake my head no.

"It's far enough though. Dad got a job in the city. Financial district."

"Manhattan?" Peter questions raising his eyebrows. I nod. "Well it's just across the river."

"Yeah, but it's still closer to Brooklyn than Queens," I say looking at my wrist wrap which looks to be new. He must have patched it up while I was out.

"I know some people from Brooklyn," Peter says lightly. "Or, I guess I did."

"Not helping."

"Stella you'll still be just a train ride away."

"It starts as that. Then as I grow old, and Betty grows older we get jobs, we go to college, and soon enough we don't speak anymore. I'll be that one girl from Queens who's accent sticks out because now I'm surrounded by what they will call "real New Yorkers"."

"Stella, are you really that concerned that you won't fit in?" He asks. I shrug. "Come on, you are smart, you're nice to some extent, you're beautiful, and," he stops realizing he said beautiful and swallows hard.

"Peter those things don't matter when you come half way through the school year. You become the weird shy girl who doesn't talk, or people think your a bitch because I'm pretty and don't talk to anyone because I miss Queens." Peter is silent.

"You're leave in the middle of the year?" I nod answering his question. "What about school?"

"I'm transferring. I assume my dad has already found a nice place for me to go," I explain. Peter starts shaking his head.

"You can't just leave."

"I don't have much of choice," I retort back. "Also you don't have a right to ask me to stay. You're mad at me remember?" I see May appear in the doorway with a light smile.

"Hey your awake. Come on and get your shoes on, I'll drive you home," she says brightly. I nod swinging the blanket off of me and standing up. Peter stands as well.

"I don't think I'm mad anymore," he says quickly. I look at him and can feel him debating with himself, but I don't know what about. I sense myself leaning in as if to kiss him but I stop. But he had leaned in too and we are almost touching.

"Don't kiss me," I whisper. I feel his breath on mine and he nods in agreement. We pull away and I quickly go out to his main room to grab my shoes and leave.

I walk into my apartment and lean my back on the door. "Don't kiss me," I whisper to myself and hit the door behind me. "Why did I say that?" I ask myself.

"Hi baby," my dad says from the couch. I sigh and don't want to talk to him. "Baby I know your mad, but it's not going to change us moving. I start next week."

"Oh so now I only have a week to say goodbye to everyone!" I yell to him. He sighs. "Leave me alone dad," I say slamming my door. I sigh and grab a box from the corner. I guess since I don't have a choice I better get started.

"I'm really sorry," I hear Peter say in my ear. I look around knowing he isn't there but I still hope.

"Don't," I send back. I wish it my powers had an off switch. I don't wanna be that weird girl at a new school who talks in her head. I sigh and look around my room and look out the window. Man I'll miss Queens, but maybe the next chapter will be better.

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