Chapter 22

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"So I could really come with you guys?" Coyotepaw asked as the four cats made their way through a tail length of snow. The new sun was already shining through the needle-like branches above. The weather was blistering and cold, even when the forest was drenched in morning sunlight.

Naiyapaw had taken the lead, nosing gently through mounds of white. Berylpaw and Vixen had stayed behind to help Coyotepaw leap over tedious drifts.

"Only if Hiddenstar allows it," Naiyapaw mewed over her shoulder, twirling her tail in on itself in secret prayer.

His presence in the territory is against the Tribal Code, Naiyapaw thought grimly, and not just because he's from another tribe. That stone wall across the river was put there by StarTribe to keep those evil cats from coming here. If Hiddenstar doesn't punish us, our ancestors just might do it for her.

"Well, I don't know, Hiddenstar is very understanding," Berylpaw chirped from behind the apprentice, "If we can get Coyotepaw to tell her what's happening in ThornTribe, she might accept him."

"Yes, but we're bringing a foreign cat into camp. Not only that, but from the very same tribe that's plotting an attack against us. We shouldn't get our hopes up," Naiyapaw mentioned softly.

Vixen wrapped her long blonde tail around young Coyotepaw and brought him closer, wrenching a small purr from his weak throat.

"No cat has ever been so nice to me. I hope I can stay," the little honey-golden tom mewled, his blue-green eyes lighting up with hope. Naiyapaw peered over her shoulder and examined his gashes. They would need tending to. She shook her head and held on to the small pint of hope that clung to her heart.

"It's morning," Vixen observed, her sing-song voice piping into the silence, "Hopefully you two can make it back in time without being seen."

Naiyapaw and Berylpaw exchanged a glance, understanding at once what they were thinking.

"We probably don't have a choice this time," the little brown apprentice muttered. It was true. They wouldn't be able to conjure up an excuse for bringing back a kit from ThornTribe without admitting to sneaking out.

Suddenly, the wind changed directions, wisping through the barren trees from the mountains and carrying a familiar scent to the band of cats. They all stopped, Naiyapaw haulting in her tracks first. The apprentice tilted her muzzle to the air and breathed in the aroma. Every strand of fur on her body stood on end when she realized what she was smelling.

"I know that scent," Berylpaw whispered, "Like prey clinging to a pelt. You don't think it's-"

"Shh," Naiyapaw hushed quickly, backing away fearfully, "We need to hide. NOW."

"Where?!" Vixen asked desperately, "There's no bushes to take cover behind this time!"

"What's going on? Who are you guys smelling?" Coyotepaw questioned, a bit too loudly.

The three she-cats leaped and snapped their heads to look at the kit. He had given away their position, and by then, it was too late. A silence, followed by a heavy crunching of paws from not too far away rang through the forest, getting frightfully close with every step. Deep ominous voices distantly exchanged something before the group realized they needed to flee.

Naiyapaw flattened her ears and tumbled back, smashing into her friends.

"RUN," she ordered, and flung herself towards the denser part of the forest. The other cats followed swiftly, dashing just behind her. The snow was churning beneath their paws like small blizzards. The pawsteps behind them were getting closer. There was no way they'd be able to outrun their pursuers.

Warrior Cats: The Omen of StoneTribe, Book 1 (The Essence)Where stories live. Discover now