Chapter 6

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She hadn't even realized she had dozed off before Naiyapaw was jostled awake by something sharp poking into her flank. The lovely she-cat's diverse eyes sprung open in surprise, every strand of fur on her body standing on end.

The first rays of morning sunlight were already streaming into the den, shimmering against drops of dew that had collected on stones and blades of grass. Naiyapaw's groggy eyes caught sight of the tall snow-covered mountains silhouetted against the golden sky, towering over the tribe camp and shadowing parts of the clearing. She sighed, taking in her beautiful home. In the span of a day, her world had already become much larger.

Her nostalgia was cut short.

"Get up," an aggressive voice demanded, another sharp pinch invading her skin.

Naiyapaw put on her best glare and spun around, hoping to give her pursuer a piece of her mind. What she saw could not have surprised her more. Before she was able to huff out a warning, her eyes were drawn into a pair of unfriendly orange spheres. His pelt was nightly black against the brightness of dawn, silver tribal markings appearing to glow mysteriously. She looked down to see his ringed paw pressing against her side, a single claw outstretched in its mission to drown out her rest.

"Titanpaw.." Naiyapaw exclaimed, calming her voice so that she wouldn't sound like a frightened kit.

Titanpaw's expression was that of annoyance, his deep citrus eyes rolling profusely. "Yeah, your mentor came by here a few minutes ago looking for you," he muttered out, his deep growl of a voice slicing open the beauty of sunrise, "she didn't have the heart to wake you. Hah, some guardian."

Naiyapaw's eyes squinted at the hostile tom, her fright turning into offense. "Now, wait just a minute," she mewed, finding her voice, "Coralfrost has a kind heart. She's probably waiting for me!"

Titanpaw snickered, "Right, okay. Are your friends waiting for you too, or did they decide to catch an early breakfast?"

Naiyapaw furrowed her brow, momentarily confused. The new apprentice whipped her head around. Berylpaw and Chromepaw were no longer in their nests beside her, and a rather exaggerated search proved that Garnetpaw had also left the den. Her fellow Jewel Collecters were gone. 

Mouse-dung, she cursed inwardly, turning her attention back to the smug Titanpaw.

"W-well, they're probably outside waiting for me then!" Naiyapaw huffed, fluffing up her thick brown neck fur and trudging past Titanpaw. She struggled to remain quiet as she tip-toed over some sleeping toms and bounded out of the burrow, eyes burning at the sudden entrusion of light.

Once she was able to see again, Naiyapaw took in the scenery around her. Many cats from all around the camp were beginning to wake up, slinking out of their dens and eating the food that the Hunters had delivered the night before. Birds began their daily songs, easing the other creatures out of their lengthy slumbers. Naiyapaw noticed Gruffblade and Cinderjaw trotting back into the clearing from the thick foliage, freed of their duties until sundown. Some of the Carriers were allowing their kits to come outside for the first time, many of them mewing in awe and bouncing around in the leaves, much like she had done. 

"So, it lives!" a sudden voice chirped joyfully, causing Naiyapaw to glance over her shoulder.

"Berylpaw," she exclaimed happily, watching her friend bounce over to her like the excited rabbit she resembled. Her calico fur was all fluffed up from sleep, and her big violet eyes were shining.

"Hiya!" she trilled through her wide grinning muzzle, "We were actually just waiting for you, mouse-brain."

Naiyapaw craned her neck to see past her bushy friend's fur, and smiled once she caught sight of Chromepaw, Garnetpaw, and Coralfrost, all sitting beside the Apprentice's Den's big boulder wall patiently awaiting her arrival.

Warrior Cats: The Omen of StoneTribe, Book 1 (The Essence)Where stories live. Discover now