Chapter 8

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Kavacloud and Spritepool dashed out of the Healer's Den, swirving around the cats that were still trying to prepare the camp for the oncoming storm. The clouds were nearly right above their heads, and the first winds of the gale were picking up with ferocious speed. The pair needed to get to Hiddenstar's den before she closed up the entrance with boulders.

"Do you think we can make it?!" Kavacloud called over the thunder, pads thumping against the ground. She glanced over at her old mentor. The elderly she-cat appeared as if she hadn't sprinted in moons.

"Only one way to find out!" Spritepool crowed back, picking up her pace.

The two cats reached the base of the towering wall of rocks. Hiddenstar was, thankfully, still outside, overlooking the tribe to make sure they got to safety in time. Her blonde fur was whipping around her face, violet crest alight on her forehead. Her purple eyes scanned the camp thoroughly. She was very regal, but now was not a time to be admiring their leader.

"Hiddenstar!" Kavacloud called up at the head of StoneTribe. The wind must've been too strong, for she didn't respond.

"HIDDENSTAR, WE NEED TO SPEAK WITH YOU!" she yowled again, this time using all the strength in her lungs she could muster. The noble cat still hadn't moved an inch, sharp eyes scouring the camp all the same.

"We might have to make the climb," Spritepool meowed to her counterpart, "She can't hear us from down here."

Kavacloud grimaced. Let's hope we can make it then, she thought, the red crest on her shoulder flashing to life with determination. They had to let Hiddenstar know what the StarTribe ancestor had told her... the ominous prophecy that would put every cat's life on the line.

The white she-cat bunched up her muscles and leaped, clearing the first few boulders with ease. She glanced back at Spritepool, her blue-grey fur just barely visible from all the dust the wind was stirring up. The two she-cats continued to climb the wall of rocks, placing each paw in just the right places. Even though the blasting gale threatened to throw them off course, they prevailed, reaching the top in a matter of seconds.

Hiddenstar noticed the Healers just as soon as they emerged from the edge of the tower, panting loudly and shaking the depris from their pelts. Her bright amethyst colored eyes widened at the sight of her medicine cats so panicked.

"Kavacloud, Spritepool," the leader began, observing the pair with blatant concern, "What are you two doing up here? It's dangerous to be so high up during a storm. I was just about to go inside, and-"

"I'm sorry to interrupt you, Hiddenstar," Kavacloud cut in, dipping her head with respect, "but we don't have a lot of time. There's something we need to tell you."

The leader narrowed her eyes at the outburst, but her ears were perked and curious, "What is it then?"

Kavacloud glanced over at her old mentor, who was still attempting to catch her breath. They exchanged a look of angst. They might as well be about to explain StoneTribe's demise to the regal she-cat.

"We've recieved a prophecy," Kavacloud mewed, her voice dropping dangerously low.

Hiddenstar's eyes popped open, the crest on her forehead flaring brightly in a shimmering dance of violet horror. The leader glanced down once more at the tribe, and coming to the conclusion that all cats would be safe until the storm passed, turned around and flicked her tail towards the entrance to her den.

"Come inside. Let us talk of this prophecy," Hiddenstar whispered.


 The Healers made themselves comfortable in the small rocky nook, sitting down and watching their leader push a boulder in front of the entrance of the den. The light was completely snuffed out, leaving only the glow of their crests visible in the cozy darkness. The wind roared around outside, and the first droplets of rain could be heard dripping against the stones.

Warrior Cats: The Omen of StoneTribe, Book 1 (The Essence)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat