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Author's Note, 02/03/2016

I really apologize for the atrocious writing in these early chapters. I started this book when I was sixteen, and have improved by leaps and bounds since then. You'll notice my progression with each part. Thanks a lot, past Charlee. Sincerely, present Charlee.

"N-no!! This can't be!!" a petrified voice shouted from the ranks of StarTribe. The stars began to shake, and the heavens were swirling with rage. The very heart of Silverpelt was angry and scared. Littlegolden, one of the ancient celestial Healers, had received a prophecy... and a very dangerous impossible one, at that.

Her blonde starry fur stuck up in every direction, bristling from the news that StarTribe had foretold her. Her crystal eyes widened in horror.

"No.... no..." she kept repeating, hoping, praying that the omen would not be possible. It COULDN'T!! 

Suddenly, without warning, the Healer lifted her head and let out a bone-trembling cauterwail that ripped through the stars. The night sky nearly tore itself in two from the shriek of pure and utter terror.

StarTribe cats from every corner of the heavens filed into the small moonlit clearing, their sparkling transparent pelts brushing as they crowded together. Worried whispers and craning necks were plentiful, and many of the toms and she-cats were confused, scared, and anxious. They knew that Littlegolden had been told something horrible. But what could it be this time? What would be so dangerous, so lethal, that even the very first Healer of all time would jump out of her own skin?

"Littlegolden, what's happened?" a female voice questioned.

"Did you receive another prophecy?" a deep voice boomed.

"Does it concern my clan? My great grandchildren?" another voice demanded.

StarTribe was a flurry of questions, accusations, and fear. Crests were glowing different colors in all directions. Some with fright, others with panicked excitement. What would Littlegolden tell them? Would she have to explain to them what was coming? She couldn't even bear the news herself, let alone announce a dark omen to her friends and family!! All of this horror was set to begin in a few moons... if not sooner. If she couldn't find the heart to tell them now, she'd never be able to.

"Everyone, SILENCE!!" a snappy voice suddenly rose above the rest. Every StarTribe cat froze, and spun around to see who had broken the chatter.

A long legged tall blue she-cat with emerald eyes and white stars in her pelt stepped forward. She wore a somber expression, and her fur was bristling slightly. Her crest, a long lace of multicolored water flaring across her chest, shone brighter and more powerful than the others. She was regal, proud. The StarTribe cats knew her as Stormstar, the very first leader who ever walked the earth.

The crowd of transparent cats split down the middle, making a pathway for the noble she-cat to pass through. She strode gracefully and lithely, glancing at each of the cats in turn before stopping in front of Littlegolden. Her emerald orbs flashed for a moment before she spoke.

"Littlegolden, you have received a prophecy. And by the looks of it, this prophecy is not a positive one, correct?" she asked properly, her tail flicking with anticipation.

Littlegolden gulped a few times, and took a moment to collect herself. She had never heard of something so impossible, so dangerous before. What was she going to say to this majestic leader?

"Yes, Stormstar," she replied shakily after a few heartbeats, "StarTribe has delivered this to me on fearful wings... I'm not sure if any of you want to know."

Stormstar grimaced, and glanced over her shoulder at the sea of fretful she-cats and toms. Every single one of them were wide-eyed, listening. That made the ancient Healer even more upset and distraught over the news. How could she muster up the courage to deliver it?

Littlegolden took another deep breath, and leapt onto a cluster of stars. She could now see every cat clearly. It didn't help her nerves, but at least she could address the entirety of StarTribe without having to crane her neck to get a better view.

"I have been told that StoneTribe, the group of cats in the mountains, will be put into very real danger." she echoed into the sky.

A few exhales of relieved breaths could be heard, obviously cats who had never associated with the mountain tribe. Other cats, however, either tensed up with fear, growled loudly, or bristled even more, if that was physically possible. Most of those cats had probably resided in StoneTribe at one point in time.

"From with what I have been informed, a StoneTribe apprentice shall discover something.. nothing like we've ever seen before, but something that holds a much greater power than any of us have ever known." Littlegolden trembled with fear at the thought of what she was about to say.

"What is it?" a she-cat demanded from the back.

"Is it a weapon?" a tom questioned loudly.

"Will we have to intervene?" a tiny voice echoed with fear.

Littlegolden shook her head at every question thrown her way. She would have to tell them now. If she didn't.. it could mean the death of every cat in the mountains. If that were to happen, other tribes could become involved as well. The power of what she was about to explain was highly desired, ESPECIALLY in the wrong paws. If an ambitious cat were to get their claws on it... it could mean the end of StarTribe as they knew it.

Stormstar, still sitting at the front of the crowd of cats, narrowed her eyes and waved her tail for silence. She was becoming rather impatient. She just wanted to know what was going on already.

"What's going to happen, Littlegolden?" the leader demanded with angst. "Just tell us."

Littlegolden closed her eyes, took a few more deep inhales of cool midnight air, and tilted her muzzle so that it touched the stars.

"There will be a stone. And it could hold the death of every tribe cat within its cracks."    

Warrior Cats: The Omen of StoneTribe, Book 1 (The Essence)Where stories live. Discover now