Chapter 9

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"So, why do they call this place the Cavern of Whispers?" Naiyapaw asked Coralfrost, attempting to cheer up the ginger she-cat. Her voice echoed softly around the large cave.

Coralfrost's crest around her neck lit up again, and a joyful smile found its way to her muzzle.

"Well, during the full moon, the leader of our tribe, or its Healers, will come down into the cavern and sit beneath the moonlight. Do you see that hole in the rocks up there?" she asked, pointing her tail to the area in which the soft orange light was cascading into the gloom.

"Yeah," Naiyapaw replied, glancing over at her fellow apprentices. They were smirking, clearly already aware of the answer to her question.

"When the moon is in just the right place," her mentor continued, peering up at the tiny crevace, "it will shine into the cave with so much intensity, it makes this place look like the middle of leaf-bare. A cat can lay under the haunting light and talk to our ancestors if something has gone wrong, or if they need advice."

Naiyapaw nodded, her colorful eyes widening with awe.

"It's also important that a deputy comes into the cave once a leader has died, so that they can recieve their nine lives and become the next head of our tribe," Coralfrost added in with a purr.

"Voltfang will have to do that one day," Berylpaw meowed next to Naiyapaw, her fluffy calico tail bundled around her paws, "because even a leader as great as Hiddenstar has to join StarTribe!"

"Correct Berylpaw," Coralfrost praised, her crest blindingly red around her neck, "but if I'm not mistaken, the storm overhead is passing."

Naiyapaw listened in, perking her ears and waiting for a roll of thunder. It never came, and she sighed with relief. The apprentice loved the feeling of the cave, and the jewels around her, but she was beginning to miss the camp. What she wanted to do more than anything was visit her mother and tell her everything that had happened within the past few days. It would be a long and wonderful story to share with the queen.

"Shall we head back to camp, the four of you?" her mentor asked, glancing at each apprentice in turn.

"Please?" Naiyapaw squeaked.

"I'm hungry," Berylpaw trilled.

"I have to help Zirconsight sort out crystals today," Chromepaw muttered, referring to his mentor.

"And I.. am also hungry," Garnetpaw crowed, a loud rumble in his stomach confirming his statement.

"Good, then let's go," Coralfrost chuckled, getting to her paws and striding over to the entrance of the tunnel. The four apprentices followed eagerly, chatting to each other and sharing the stories of the day.


Once they returned to camp, the storm had passed over the peaks of the western mountains, and the sun was making its way below the horizon. The orange light of dusk painted the sky with regal iridescent colors, splattering the lingering clouds with all the pigments of leaf-fall. The tribe was hussling and bustling around. Warriors were returning from border patrols, Hunters were collecting their baskets, getting ready to gather prey for the following morning, and the Jewel Collectors that had stayed back were giving stones to the Healers to crush into powder.

Naiyapaw was the last to burst through the thicket wall, letting out a soft huff and shaking out her tangled pelt. It would take her all night to groom out the twigs that had gotten caught in her neck fur. At least she would have company. A smile made its way to her face as she glanced after Berylpaw and the others, whom she would be sharing a den with for many moons to come. The thought eased her stress about the mess in her mane.

Warrior Cats: The Omen of StoneTribe, Book 1 (The Essence)Where stories live. Discover now