Chapter 12

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Naiyapaw followed her mentor into the deeper parts of the changing forest. Lovely yellow leaves were showering down onto the ground, dancing delicately like butterflies. The apprentice was at ease in this place, breathing in the fresh scents of late green-leaf.

The other Jewel Collectors had already split from the group, going off in different directions to search a wider range of terrain. Berylpaw and her mentor, Baelquartz, were the first to head out. They had wandered towards the river. Garnetpaw and Jasperheart were on their way to Mouse Meadows, and Chromepaw had joined them. Zirconsight had not been seen all day, even though he knew he was scheduled for a Jewel Patrol with his apprentice. Naiyapaw remembered hearing a pair of Warriors talking, and one of them had mentioned picking up the tom's scent by the river. Why hadn't the Warrior told Hiddenstar? Perhaps he'll do that today, she thought.

Coralfrost and Naiyapaw came to a hault once they reached a tiny clearing in the trees. Soft grasses and flowers swayed in the breeze, carrying scents of sweet honey and late afternoon pine. The sun shone brightly there, golden rays of mild warmth filtering through the branches.

"What is this place?" Naiyapaw asked Coralfrost, voice hoarse with awe. It was lovely.

"We call it Basking Place," the ginger she-cat mentioned, the crest on her neck lighting up excitedly, "This is where I dug up my very first gem! You'll get to do the same today!" she purred.

Naiyapaw tilted her muzzle to the sky, sniffing the area, "I smell other StoneTribe cats," she mentioned, glancing up at the Jewel Collector.

"Yes, many Warriors come here to sun their pelts," Coralfrost replied, "Look over there! Cyantalon and Aeroflight!"

Naiyapaw followed her mentor's glance, only to rest it on two large toms perched atop a small boulder. They looked content, eyes half closed, heads on their paws. The apprentice remembered both Warriors from the day she was introduced to the tribe. Cyantalon was a lovely silver tom. Naiyapaw recalled how dazzlingly blue his eyes had been. Even from here, she could see his crest, a dainty yet strong bluebird resting upon his chest. Aeroflight was a larger cat, his white pelt ruffled up from the wind. His fur tips consisted of greys and pale yellows. Naiyapaw had remembered him in the way he looked like a walking fire. His crest resembled a glowing orange bird on his shoulder. Both toms were talented in their craft, holding records of killing foxes, badgers, and even wolves.

Naiyapaw blushed. She'd be digging up jewels under the watchful eyes of two greatly respected Warriors. 

"Ahh, greetings Coralfrost," Cyantalon called from the other end of the clearing, "And Naiyapaw's here too."

"Lovely day for digging, eh?" Aeroflight chimed in, raising his head and grooming a large white paw. 

"It certainly is, my apprentice is going to be uncovering summer stones with me," Coralfrost replied with a smile, waving her tail towards the young she-cat.

"Well, don't mind us then," Cyantalon rumbled, opening his electrifying neon blues, "We're just taking some time to relax."

Coralfrost nodded her head and turned towards Naiyapaw.

"The mark of a Jewel Collector is knowing where to dig," she began, crouching low to the ground. She gestured for her apprentice to do the same, "In many places, the soil is too soft. A gem can never form in conditions like that, not enough pressure. Where you want to start digging is in areas where the dirt feels rough and packed."

Naiyapaw dipped her head with understanding, glancing around the clearing for any signs of rough ground.

Coralfrost chuckled, "It's not enough to see hard soil, you must feel around for it with your paws," the ginger she-cat advised. Naiyapaw managed a shy smile. Oops.

Warrior Cats: The Omen of StoneTribe, Book 1 (The Essence)Where stories live. Discover now