The StoneTribe Camp, and Crest Explanations

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See the picture in the external link on the side.

I would just put the picture into the story, but I don't think you'd be able to read the words!

The Crests of StoneTribe: A crest is a special glowing marking that a cat recieves from StarTribe (their word for StarClan) when they've been officially appointed to their positions. So, Hunter, Warrior, Healer, ect.

What they recieve depends on their personality, strengths, and interests. The crest will change based on the cat's mood. If they are happy, excited, or angry, the crest will begin to glow, and it looks quite lovely. If a cat is sad, bored, wistful, or tired, the crest will lose its glow and appear as if it were a normal marking.

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