Chapter 11

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The moon had just disappeared below the mountains when Naiyapaw and Vixen figured it would be best to get back to camp. The two had shared endless stories and exciting tales after stuffing themselves with minnows. Naiyapaw had grown used to catching fish in the river, and in the span of a single night, she had gotten quite good at it.

The Slave and the apprentice rose to their paws and shook out their dew-dappened pelts. The spray of the water beside them liked to wander.

"Thank you for chatting with me, Naiyapaw," Vixen purred, a bright smile plastered over her face, "I had forgotten what it was like to have a friend."

"What about Jaguar and Hoot?" Naiyapaw asked, remembering that the lost Slaves were also companions of hers.

Vixen chuckled softly and flicked her tail over the apprentice's flank, "They never took the time to listen to me like you do," she muttered shyly.

Naiyapaw felt a wave of happiness jolt through her. She had made a difference in the poor she-cat's life, and now she could call the unfortunate feline a friend. 

"Do you think we could meet up again tonight?" she asked, her thick brown neck fur fluffing up with excitement.

Vixen's blue eyes flashed with an unknown emotion, perhaps fear, before they lit up again joyfully. Even though what they were doing went against the Tribal Code, Naiyapaw was not going to let Vixen starve. She already looked brighter and full of life now that she'd eaten.

"I would love to!" Vixen replied chipperly, bouncing around like a kit before meal time.

The sun suddenly poked its blinding head over the mountains, casting the first rays of dawn over the forest. Hues of lovely pinks and goldens painted the sky with the promise of a new day. The air was crisp and chilly. Leaf-fall would begin soon, and Naiyapaw was excited to bounce around in the leaves, but until that time came, she was content with rushing around in the green undergrowth.

"I should get back," Naiyapaw muttered, her heart starting to race. If she couldn't get to camp before the other cats woke up, suspicions would rise, and everyone would ask where she had been the night before.

"Don't forget to roll around in something before you return," Vixen advised, "or else my scent will be all over your pelt... StarTribe forbid they catch that fish smell too, you'll have to do tribe chores for a moon!"

"Don't worry, I will!" Naiyapaw mewed, and began the long sprint back to camp. She was eager to start her jewel training with Coralfrost. The ginger she-cat would show her all sorts of new gems, and after they were done, they'd get to go digging for.. what were they called, summer stones? She didn't care, she just needed to get home before the others noticed she was gone.


The apprentice was able to make it back to camp before the Hunters returned, which meant that every cat would still be asleep. She tip-toed through the gorse wall and peered around the clearing. All was still.

She had made sure to coat herself in the scents of leaves and moss, masking where she had truly been so that the others would mistake it for the smell of a damp nest. If the rest of the apprentices woke up any time soon, Naiyapaw would tell them that she was more of an early riser. The only cat who could argue with that statement was Titanpaw, and he wasn't around. Her plan was fool-proof!

"Well, someone's up early," a voice suddenly purred from beside her. Naiyapaw's head shot up, and her ears flattened with respect.

Against the glare of the rising sun, a noble silhouette stood tall and proud, violet crest glowing upon her forehead. Her eyes matched the marking with frightening accuracy. A sandy pelt with lacey brown stripes waved softly in the breeze.

Warrior Cats: The Omen of StoneTribe, Book 1 (The Essence)Where stories live. Discover now