Chapter 21

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Naiyapaw took in a breath and cringed at the pain that invaded her ribs. Her eyes were still closed, she wasn't strong enough to open them. Beneath her, a soft bed of silky moss and fluffy feathers caressed her pelt. The area she was in smelled familiar, much like foreign herbs and sultry medicines.

I must be in the Healer's Den, she thought to herself, the memory of her encounter with the bear suddenly flooding back into her mind.

I sent the bear wimpering into the bushes with a single strike. How was I able to do that? Hiddenstar is an amazing fighter... the apprentice pondered, I know that if my skills in combat were present, then Hiddenstar must be my mother. Talent like that can't be learned. I've heard of her battles with large creatures, and seeing her fight like that proved my suspicions. Perhaps I take after her.

Naiyapaw let in another breath, this one much more tentative. She could feel a sort of wrap pressing against her side, the scent sweet like a large frond.

Was I really injured that badly? They had to secure my wounds. I sure hope nothing of mine is broken. Oh gosh, I hope Berylpaw is okay. I wasn't able to see her during the bear attack. I wonder if she was able to escape injury. And what about my siblings? Then again, I trust Coralfrost with everything. I'll pray to StarTribe for them.

All feeling in Naiyapaw's body was beginning to return. The air around her was frightfully chilly, although the winds from the blizzard seemed to have seized. With a small sniff, the scents of midnight tingled in her snout.

It must be about moonhigh. I've been knocked out for quite awhile.

Distant mumbling could be heard outside, four voices, three she-cats and one tom.

The Healers and their apprentices, Naiyapaw assured herself, Are they talking about me?


A long while passed before there was complete silence. Naiyapaw squeezed open her colorful eyes and shook away the temptation of more sleep. The ache in her side was agonizing. With a glance downwards, she caught sight of a big green frond secured to her injury. She cringed and looked up. The tent-like boulders above her were stable and untouched. The bear hadn't damaged the Healer's Den whatsoever. The shelves lining the small burrow were scattered with herbs, powders, and little wooden holders.

The apprentice glanced to her left. Many of the Warriors were sharing the den with her tonight, big burly shoulders rising and falling. Some cats were missing tufts of fur, while others were patched up with cobwebs and wrapped in bandages made from leaves. She recognized a few faces, along with some crests glowing excitedly from dreams. The tom right beside her, Cyantalon, was mumbling something about mice and long grass. Naiyapaw giggled, only to regret it shortly after. The pain in her ribs increased when she laughed.

I should go inspect camp, she decided, It might be good for me to stretch out my muscles. Maybe my side will feel better too.

The little brown she-cat slowly got to her paws and smoothed out her long neck fur. She tested out her stability and smiled with content. Moving around with care didn't seem to put her in too much pain. Without waking the cats around her, she inched out of the den and prowled into the night.

A frosty smack of cold air met her body as soon as she walked out. The crunch of the snow beneath her paws was loud and sharp. Naiyapaw looked up and breathed in the darkness. The sky above was finally clear of all clouds. Silverpelt was dazzlingly bright, the stars glittering against a black blanket like tiny diamonds. The trees were baren and covered with snow. The whiteness around her sparkled beneath a silver moon.

Warrior Cats: The Omen of StoneTribe, Book 1 (The Essence)Where stories live. Discover now