Chapter 19

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Two days passed like setting suns, falling below the horizon and casting darkness all around them. Hiddenstar and Voltfang had buried her mother the previous morning beside Zirconsight, although Naiyapaw was too numb to realize it at the time. Perhaps the two would be closer friends in StarTribe.

The repairs to the Carrier's Den were made the same day, all the while the young apprentice curled around her siblings, keeping them safe from harm. She had declined and strongly disagreed with attending any Jewel Patrols. Coralfrost had worn that same sad expression for two sunhighs. Naiyapaw had merely scoffed. She didn't need pity, she needed to help the young kits get strong. She couldn't provide milk for them, but thankfully, the other Carriers in the hollow were more than willing to oblige.

Hiddenstar had seemingly forgotten about what Naiyapaw and Berylpaw had told her about, and due to the death of Biancafeather, no punishments were arranged. The camp was even more heavily guarded than usual now, Warriors chipping in and making rounds.

Naiyapaw groggily blinked open her eyes. The den was cold and frosty once again. Ever since the first snowfall hit camp, the clearing and the forest around them had been coated in a thin layer of frozen whiteness. Moorkit had described it as "the sky magic". Naiyapaw thought it was only a sickening reminder.

Zorrakit was huddled into her neck fur, grabbing on to the soft strands with tiny paws. Her large red irises were open, blinking wildly, a big smile on her face. The other two kits were still sleeping.

"Hi! You're finally awake!" the little black bundle of fur squeaked, inching closer to her sister's face.

Naiyapaw smiled and brought a paw around her early morning visitor, dragging her in for a hug, "And what do you think you're doing up, hmm?" she asked curiously.

Zorrakit leaped out of Naiyapaw's grasp and gestured wildly towards the den entrance, looking excited and eager.

"I want to play in the white sparkles!" she responded, her voice cracking. Naiyapaw rolled her colorful eyes.

With a glance upward, the apprentice caught sight of the large flakes waltzing to the ground. They were even sticking to the trees in camp, drenching the entire clearing in a freezing blur of white. Leaf-bare, you sure came in strong, Naiyapaw thought angrily.

"No Zorrakit, you're still too little to go out there," she reminded, "I don't want the snow to gobble you up!"

The little black kit looked up at her sister expectantly, "But you could come with me though," she mewed.

Naiyapaw chuckled, "I have to watch over your brother and sister," she stated simply.

Zorrakit nodded and managed a disappointed "Oh," trotting back to the apprentice and snuggling into her pelt. Out of the three, Zorrakit was the one who truly made Naiyapaw feel whole again, like she was brave enough to face another day. She looked so much like her mother. The brown she-cat sighed. With her sister's help, she knew she'd be able to make it through the cold, and all the dangers it brought with it.

Dangers, she thought with rage, Titanpaw and Stingtalon are still up to no good! In weather like this, a ThornTribe attack would be as simple as unsheathing a claw. And the stone... it's going to be impossible to find under all this snow. I sure hope Vixen is okay.

Naiyapaw's eyes snapped open. Vixen only knew how to fish. The river would be frozen over in a matter of days if the wind kept prickling like it was. The she-cat would surely starve!

Suddenly, a big ball of fluffy calico fur burst into the den, tiny clumps of snow clinging to her belly fur. With a roll of her deep purple eyes, she shook them away. The other Carriers protested with things like, "Hey, you'll get that cold stuff on my kits!" or, "Do that outside!"

Warrior Cats: The Omen of StoneTribe, Book 1 (The Essence)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt