Chapter 33- A Blossom of Hope

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(Y/n)'s P.o.V.

Eyes closed I felt a sudden breeze blow by as I took a deep breath in. The air was cool and crisp, and seemed to bring back memories of spring.
Feeling something warm roll down my face I opened my eyes. Lifting my hand up I was about to wipe away whatever it was when I soon took notice of the world around me.
I was no longer in Mint Eye, I wasn't anywhere I'd ever been before.
I wasn't trapped in a building, or sitting inside a cabin, instead...
I was seated on top of a hill which was in the center of a field of beautiful wildflowers and tall grass;
the hill itself had shorter blades of grass, and petite, yet equally as beautiful, flowers.
Looking up to the sky I noticed the beautiful fluffy clouds and the bright sun, which shone down painting the entire field in a warm yellow hue.
My back was pressed into the trunk of a beautiful cherry tree, which had blossomed, and was the only one tree in sight.
Other than the pink tree there was just the lush green grass and the beautifully vibrant flowers which ranged in colors from a bright red to a cool purple.
Looking down to my lap I noticed that I wasn't in any of my usual attire.
I wasn't in the purple dress which I had often worn before everything happened...
I wasn't in a black dress,
nor was I in Mc's clothing.
Instead, I was dressed in what could be considered a sundress, which was an ivory color with light blue flowers painted across it.
The one thing that was familiar to me, was the white bandages that coiled themselves up to my arms, stopping at my elbows.
Lifting my hand up I whipped my face.
Parting my lips I was about to let out a sigh when someone seemed to do so for me.
Glancing to my left I noticed someone dressed in an all too familiar magenta suit who sat next to me, back pressed up against the same cherry tree.
His hair so perfectly framed his round face, and his pale pink lips, ever so slightly parted.
Soon enough my gaze was met with two mint green orbs which seemed to brighten as our eyes collided with one another.
"Ahh, Princess, you're awake!" Ray beamed as his lips curled into a bright smile.

'Princess...' those words rang out in my head as I stared at Ray

'How are you doing?" He asked as I looked down to my lap, "you seemed to be sound asleep so I didn't wake you..."

"I..." I muttered, the words catching in my throat. Swallowing down hard I forced a smile onto my face. "I'm well, Ray..." I replied, "how about yourself?" Looking back over to Ray our eyes once again met before Ray looked up towards the sky.

"I'm doing well as well..." He said the smile on his face did not seem to fade away.
"The clouds are very pretty, don't you think?"
Glancing upwards I stared at the clouds as they rolled by. Each cloud was a different shape, and yet, all of them were equally as white and as fluffy looking as the last.
"I could watch clouds forever."
"You know (Y/n)?"
Ray asked as I turned my attention back to him.
"Have you ever realized how no two clouds will ever be the same, no matter what?"
Ray once again looked at me, before turning and looking back to the sky, me, doing the same.
"Two clouds may be similar in shape but the water droplets that make up the cloud...
they'll never all be exactly the same as they once were. They're always changing.
you may have two clouds which are identical in shape and size, but when the clouds grow too heavy and start to rain, those rain droplets that once were together
become separated...
once they're separated they go on their own ways, forming new clouds,
traveling new places...
seeing new things......
since each one has its own experiences,
you'll never find two clouds which are exactly the same because of that
and the raindrops that once came together to form one beautiful cloud...
once they fall to the earth,
separating from each other...
the chances of them meeting again are slim...
but there's still that small chance that they will..."

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