Chapter 10- A Bittersweet Alliance

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"We don't have much time...!" I hissed, "I need an answer now!" he still didn't answer, he just stared at me. "Fine then... Be that way... We'll do it my way, Believer A306, or should I say..."





His eyes widened, "How did you k--"

"He went that way!!" I clenched my hands into fists.

"Damn it," I mumbled. I grabbed the tall man's sleeve and turned back around dashing down the hall. I could hear his loud footsteps following behind.

"There they are!" I heard a voice shout. I quickly turned left. I looked around a bit.
If I go down we'll be on the ground floor, but that's where the other units are, not to mention the staircase to the basement is the same as this one. Right would lead me to a dead end. There's another staircase when you go to the left, but it also connects back to the corridor with the development room.

"Get them!"

Shoot! I turned left and started to run again. Once at the end of the hall, I noticed one small problem, the cameras.
Damn. I kept running until I reached another intersection. The staircase is to the left.... But the cameras. I turned around to see the believers turning down the corridor. I clicked my tongue and tightened my grip on V's sleeve. I pulled him to the right.

I reached out to the handle of the first door I came across, ripped my glove off and pressed my finger against the fingerprint scanner. An audible click echoed from the door and I yanked the door opened. The room just so happened to be a storage closet. I narrowed my eyes at the cramped space and mentally cursed it before shoving V into it and going into it myself.

I shut the door from the inside. My eyes quickly adapted to the dark room. I looked at V who had opened his mouth as though to say something. I lifted myself onto my tippy-toes and slapped my hand over his mouth to prevent any words from escaping. As soon as I did a heard the footsteps stop. I peered over my shoulder.

"Which way did they go?" I heard one of the believers ask.

"I think they went left."

"I say they went right."

"It doesn't matter! You two go left, you three go right, I'll survey the area."

"Got it!" the others said.

"For Everlasting Paradise," one said.
"For Everlasting Paradise," the others replied.

Soon the footsteps scattered off into different directions. Two left, three right, and one is just outside. I told myself.

"They were here a second ago, where could they have gone?" I heard the believer say. I listened carefully as the footsteps walked towards our hiding place in the closet.
I looked down at the strip of light shining under the door and listened as the believer outside came closer and closer.
His shoes tapping softly on the hard floor. I held my breath as the footsteps suddenly stopped right in front of the door. I reach into the robe pocket and wrapped my hand around the item I had hidden within, just in case. I clenched my gloved hand around the object and prayed that he would walk away.

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