"MJ?" I ask quietly. "MJ? It's Stella," I realize this won't help but if this is what Peter wants. A stall door swings open slowly and MJ looks around.

"What do you want?" She asks.

"Peter was making sure you are safe," I say.

"Where is Peter?" She asks. I bite my lip. I'm not sure if she knows that I know, but if she doesn't know that I know I don't really want her to know that I know.

"He's with the class. Being held hostage he said to stay in the bathroom. I have to go back out before they realize I'm gone," I say rushing out before she can ask more questions. I look around and see thugs hanging from the ceiling in webs. I almost want to laugh. Wish I was able to fight cool. All I do is hear and feel shit. And jump high. I drop to the ground as a thug looks up at the second floor. I try to act scared but I know who's really in charge and they aren't nearly as scary as him. I see the thug and woman come to the jewel exhibit and he walks ahead of her.

"Ground now!" He commands she gets on the ground and whimpers.

"Spider-Man where are you?" I ask myself, basically. I look around and see him high in the rafters just watching he swings over and squats on the side railing. He sneakily comes into the room.

"Ya know, I don't recall diamonds being a mans best friend," he whips webs at the guy pulling him close and kicking him in the face the guy groans and starts firing. I hear Peter groan a bit. "There went my stitches," he send to me. All the thugs start coming up and firing guns. Some people scream as Spider-Man swings around kicking people down. I feel useless just laying on the ground. I huff not knowing what to do. I look up at the vent and glance at my backpack. I look around and quickly jump up.

"Okay," I say quickly and over and over. "Okay, What are we doing?" I ask myself as I unzip my bag and see my suit inside. I start hearing all the combat from below and wince at how loud it is. I pull the suit out and sigh. I decided to return it today since the museum is closer to Manhattan I could just hop over and quickly give it back. Instead I'm actually considering putting it on and helping. "I don't want to be a hero, I don't want to be a hero, I don't want to be a hero," I say over and over quietly. I hear a loud crash and more guns firing.

"Ouch," I hear Peter say lightly. "You guys really play rough don't ya?" He asks the thugs he fighting.

"Shoot the hostages!" I hear one thug say. "That'll teach this insect!"

"No no no no," I say quickly putting the outfit on. I climb out of the vent and sneak my way down to the first floor by the railing. "Lily connect me with Spider-Man," I say quietly.

"Mind or phone?" Lily replies.

"What hurts less?" I ask not wanting to hurt him more than he already is. I watch a thug walk over to a group of hostages gun ready. "Please hurry!" I say quietly but loudly as well.

"Stella?" I hear Peter say.

"Keep the thugs away from the hostages, I'll get them out," I say quickly. I look up and it looks like he's trying to heal. He sees me and I gesture to thug who's ready to fire on innocent people. Spider-Man nods.

"You got it," he says swinging down. "Better watch out! You bout to be toast!" He says as arms come out as he fights. I run low to the hostages.

"Come on I'll get out," I say quickly and loud enough for the group to hear. I feature for them to follow me as Spider-Man makes sure he is distracting the remaining thugs. "Lily are the police outside?" I ask.

"Yes, there is a surrounding force outside. Be careful and be swift as to not alarm them." I nod, not knowing if she response to that but she goes silent and my mask vision changes to show the cops ready to fire. I move the group to the door.

"Lily is there a way to tell the hostages on the second floor that I'll come back for them?"

"Your drones can help," Lily responds as a small black circle flies out of my wrist.

"Yeah that'll work," I say. It flies up and I can sort of see where it's going in a tiny screen in the corner. I focus on the task at hand and slowly open the door.

"I see black get ready to fire!" An officer yells to his troops. He knows the thugs are all in black so it would make him more nervous.

"I," I clear my throat. "I am not a threat," why did I sound so nervous. How do these superhero's do this. "I am letting the hostages out! I am not with these monsters. I am with," I pause not wanting to say but I have to or I'm gonna get shot. "Spider-Man! I'm with Spider-Man." The people gasp as I open the door more letting the hostages out. "I am bringing mode to safety please," I take a deep breath. I never realized how loud everything was. "Please don't shoot me or anyone at this moment. Spider-Man is taking care of the bad," What the hell do I call them? "The bad guys." I almost question if that's the right word, but I can't dwell on it long.

"Stella I can't hold them off forever you need to get our class out of here they are the only ones left," Spider-Man says into my ear. I nod and quickly run back in. A lot of thugs are down but they are just unconscious. There is a couple guys Spider-Man is still fighting. He looks a little shabby. I jump up stairs and rush over to the class.

"Small children," I say trying to act like I'm a lot older. "I will escort you out. Hurry we don't have much time," I say quickly. I look around for stairs and see some at the other end of the hall. "Spider-Man can you make sure this hallway stays clear," I say starting to lead them down.

"You got it," he says he gasps. "What about MJ?" He asks sounding worried.

"She's in the bathroom still I don't see her here," I say. I look and see Ned staring at me very intensely.

"Can I help you young," I pause not knowing if he recognizes my horrible attempt at a deeper voice. "Child?"

"I just don't know who you are," he says. "Are you a new superhero?"

"Uh, no," I say gesturing people downstairs. I look around and see Spider-Man fighting on thug by the bathroom. "Please exit the museum," I say. I rush with a small jump ahead of them and open the door. "More hostages are exiting. Please don't fire!" I say loudly to the cops. They all exit and as I turn I see Spider-Man limping his way into the bathroom. "Spider-Man has taken care of the bad men," I sound like an idiot. "Y'all can move in," I say sounding more Boston than deep. God I'd hate for them to think I'm from Boston and not Queens. The cops take my word and start moving in. I decide to disappear. Then I hear Betty.

"Where's Stella? Did she make it out," I quickly run back in and grab my bag and pull on my clothes as quick as I can and then jump up on the roof. I jump down behind with the other group and rush over to the class.

"Betty?" I ask loudly. Looking around. I shove through, I've never been such a good actor.

"Stella oh my god!" Betty says as she hugs me. "It was crazy where were you?"

" I had gone down stairs when those guys came in. I wanted to get a better look at the art room Flash kept being in everyone's way." Just, straight lies coming out of my mouth. "Then all the sudden this weird girl was leading us outside and Spider-Man was flying all over and it was wild," I explain. Betty nods and hugs me again.

"We are okay now." She says. I nod and see MJ be escorted out by a officer. No sign of Spider-Man though. I look up and see him swing through the sky. I know exactly where he's going.

Superhero? •PETER PARKER•Where stories live. Discover now