Chapter 16: Telling our parents

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Marco POV
I woke up in the morning and saw Star is sleeping next to me “Morning Star” I said while waking her up “ Morning to you too my love ” then snuggle even more to me. “Hey wake up” “Yea, yeah”.

“Hey Star we really should tell our parents about our relationship” “Yea you're right” then we went downstairs to have breakfast with my parents.

While we were eating, I said “Mom,Dad. Me and Star has something to tell you guys” “What is it?” my mom asked “ Star is my girlfriend.” “And Marco is my boyfriend.” Star said. Before we knew it they both scream in excitement and said “Yes!! You guys are finally together! We have been waiting for a long time!!” “ It's great you guys agree with our relationship” “ it's ok Star you guys are perfect together” my dad said.

Then after we finish our breakfast we went to watch TV and I said “ when are we going to tell your parents Star?” “How about tomorrow? I don't want to ruined this happy moment.” “Alright then” after we continue watching TV until it was 1pm.

~Time skip tomorrow~

Star POV
Me and Marco is in my room and was getting ready to open a portal to Mewni. I was really nervous then Marco hold my hand and said “Everything is going to be alright, I promise” “If you say so” then I open the portal and we went in.

We were in the castle and suddenly a voice I heard it was my parents. My dad said “Oh Star I miss you so much” then he hug me and my mom said “ Oh Star I miss you so much too” and my mom hug me too.

“How about you join us for lunch?” my mom said. “Sure” I replied her then we were on our way. We sat and ate for awhile and suddenly I said “Mom dad me and Marco want to tell you guys something.” “What is it?” my dad said “Me and Marco are dating!” I said quickly. Then it was just silence until both of my parents laugh and my mom said “ Oh Star we have been waiting for you to say that ” “Yea I know you guys are perfect for each other and I also ship you guys” my dad said it and the last part he whispered to me.

“So you guys ok with us?” “Yup and it makes it easier to us cause we don't need to find you a boy to be King with.” my mom said. Then we continue eating. After that we talk for a few hours.

~Few hours later~

I open a portal and we were in my room. I said “That went well then I thought.” “Yeah” “by the way Marco, my dad ship us” “ REALLY ” then we both laugh.

After that Marco give me a quick kiss on the lips and said “ I'm going to take a shower” “Okay babe” then he blush and left.

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Behind my smile (STARCO)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang