Chapter 2: Secrets

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Star POV
When Marco sat next to me I quickly got up to my room cause I'm really mad and jealous at him. I really didn't have the mood to talk. So when I reach to my room I jump to my bed and started to look at the ceiling of the house.

After a few minutes I decided to write my thoughts and feeling in my diary. It took me 2 hours before I decided to sleep cause I remember tomorrow is still school day.

~The next morning~

Marco POV
I woke up, it was 5:40 a.m. I thought to myself Star should have been waking me up earlier? I went to Star room and knock on it and she open it immediately.

She greeted me with her bubbly personality. I asked her “Star are you ok?” “Yup never better!” “ ok ”. “Star can we talk about last night?” “Sorry Marco got to get ready for school bye!” and she quickly closed the door . I was silent and went to get ready for school.

Star POV
When I close the door my smile quickly faded. I was still up sad cause Marco is dating someone but what can I do? It not like he have feelings for me and suddenly my tears came out.

I wiped it out and started to get ready. After I done I went downstairs to get some breakfast. Then a few minutes later Marco came down I saw he was very happy. He said “Morning mom , dad and Star.” “ Morning Marco ” I said to him.

Then he sat next to me and eat our  breakfast. After that we say goodbye to Mr and Mrs Diaz and we're before heading to school. While we were walking suddenly Jackie came from behind and said “Morning guys” I smile at her and Marco greeted her. Then she said “ Hey Marco do you want to ride with me to school?” “Sure Jackie but wait, Star is it ok if....” I cut him off and said “ Sure just go you guys” and put a fake smile.

Marco smile back and of there go. I walked to school alone.When I arrived at school Janna greeted me “Sup butterfly” “oh Janna banana . Say can you company me at the bus when we go home ? ”  “Sure but what about Marco?” “Oh his busy spending time with Jackie” “Alright” .

And I was right at school he just talks to her and spend time with her more.

~Time skip end of school~

Marco POV
When school was finally over I came look for Star but can't find her. “Where is Star? ” and suddenly Ferguson said “ oh she already left” “what?!?? With what and with who???!?!” I said “ With Janna and they took the bus” then I said thanks and walked home alone.

I thought to myself  “ weird Star is not usually like this”. When I reach home I quickly came to her room and I can hear a small sobbing noise. So I decided not to disturb her .

Star POV
When reach home I quickly went to my room to cry I was really up sad. After couple of hours I came downstairs to have dinner but right when I open my door Marco was in front of it  and we accidentally hit each other and he was on top of me.

We were in a weird position and our faces were inches away. I blush so hard and Marco also blush. He broke the silence “ Ummm.... You ok Star? ” “Yeah I'm fine.” I flustered a little.

"So let's go downstairs dinner is ready" I smile “ then what are we waiting for!” I said with a energetic ton and we both laugh.

Marco POV
After we ate our dinner I asked Star “so do What to watch movie later?” she replied me with her bubbly ton “Sure!”. Good thing she's back to her normal self I thought to myself. Then we get ready to watch a movie.

After a couple of movies my phone vibrate and it was Jackie.

Jackie: Hey Marco want to the carnival tomorrow?

Marco: Sure I love to.

Jackie: Already see you tomorrow babe

Marco: Ok xoxo

Then I put my phone down and I suddenly I feel something heavy in my chest.  So I look down and saw Star was sleeping on it. “Man Star is so cute when she asleep” wait Marco stop thinking that you have a girlfriend!

I shack my head and carry Star to her room bridal style. I lay her on her bed and tug her in . Then I went to my room but before I go I got this urge's to kiss her forehead. After that I quickly went to my room and lay on my bed thinking “What did I just do?? You have girlfriend Marco and you just kiss you best friend!! Well Star is cute wait stop thinking!!” I shack my head and went to sleep .

Another chapter done. Hope you guys like it and please vote and leave a comment.
Till the next chapter See yaaaa!✌️

Behind my smile (STARCO)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora