Chapter 4: How could you

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Star POV
It was 5a.m I woke up as usual and went to Marco's room to wake him up. I burst into his room and then jump on him . Then Marco awake but with a panicked look and said “What Star!!” “Oh nothing just wanted to wake you up” “Well can you not jump on me next time?” “No promises!” then we both laugh.

After that I left so Marco could get ready and I went downstairs to have breakfast with Mr and Mrs Diaz. After I finish my breakfast Marco came down and greeted us. Then he eat his breakfast and sit next to me.

When he finally done we say goodbye to Mr and Mrs Diaz. Today me and Marco walk to school . It was great cause it was only me and Marco. When arrived school we went to our locker and talk with Alfanzo and Ferguson. Then we went to our class.

~Time skip to end of school~

I went to look for Marco and saw him with Jackie and I was a little jealous seeing them together. So I went there and “Hey guys” “Oh hey Star” Jackie reply me while Marco just nodded.

“Come on Marco let's go” “You go ahead Star I will meet you at home later” “Fine but don't forget about tonight” “Yeah ok”. I was a little sad after that but I just put on a smile.

Marco POV
I was talking to Jackie and suddenly Star came she told me to go but I said to go first. After she left we continue talking when Jackie said “Hey Marco want to go to the park?” “Sure!” I agreed to that but can't help but feel something is wrong.

We went to the park and were having a great time skateboarding, talking and some kissing. It was 9:30 pm suddenly I remember it was Movie night!! I quickly stand up and said “Sorry Jackie but I have to go I promise Star...” I was cut off when Jackie said “ It's alright Marco I understand. ” then I quickly ran home.

~Meanwhile at Star~

Star POV
I went home and was getting ready for movie night I was so excited. I pick a movie (a lot of them) , I prepared our friendship blanket and even prepared Marco nachos ingredients.

I just sit at the cough and wait for Marco but it was 7:35 pm he still haven't came home I tried to call him but he didn't pick up.

I was so sad so I called Janna to come over and she agreed. When Janna arrived I greeted her and said “Lets go watch a movie!” “Sure, wait aren't you supposed to be with Marco cause it's friendship Thursday?” “Well looks like Marco is to busy with Jackie I guest” I said with a mad ton. Then we enjoyed the movie.

Janna POV
We watched a lot of movies. Me and Star having a lot of fun together. I thought to myself good thing I cheer her up. After a couple of hours I said to her I have to go.

When I want to open the door suddenly Marco burst in and said “sorry Star I was busy spending time with Jackie.” Star was just silence and give him a dead glare before went to her room.

Marco look confused so I said “Your and idiot.” “Why?” “You know what today is and you still go on a date!” “What Jackie is my girlfriend so I have to spend time with her!” “Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME!! You know how much Star prepared!!?, You know how excited she was and you know how hurt she is right now!!!”

Marco was just silence when he realized it but I still continue “ Not only that you even broke your promise to her! So think again who's the one wrong here. ” then l left.

Marco POV
What Janna said hit me. I was wrong, I was the one who is guilty. I went to Star room and knock on it. “Star can I come in?” silince . I came in but Star was not in her room. Then I saw a note.

           Dear Marco,
  I'm with Pony head right now Don't come and look for me. I will return tomorrow before school started .
Bye. P.S. I need space.

I was upset but what can I do. I just have to wait then.

Another chapter done great. Hope you guys like it and please vote and leave a comment.

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