"Luke?" I called his name almost in a whisper. Pretending like I didn't know it was him the first time.

"Can we talk?" He asked me. "Alone?" He nodded sideways towards the door beside him. I turned to the door. It was the door leading to one of the storage rooms. Did he really want to talk now? To talk about what happened the last time, because we really needed to talk about it, and alone as at that? I didn't reject his offer. I mean how could I? I hesitated for just a tinnie winnie bit, and then I found my legs leading me to the door, hoping he was right behind me the moment I opened it. I walked in and I froze.

Of course. That was what he meant by alone. Me, him, and his girlfriend Racheal. I rolled my eyes.

Just how desperate and stupid can you actually be Kora?

I wanted to turn to him. I wanted to get mad, really mad about it, but I just couldn't. I spread my hands beside my hips, and then dropped it.

"What is it this time?" I asked Racheal, just as I heard the door close from behind me. Luke had locked it, and was standing right in front of it, so no one came in. I could see the way Racheal looked at me, like she was so angry and disgusted at the same time. I knew that look. It was the look she made when she was being forced to do something she didn't want to do.

"I'm sorry." She blurted out as fast as she could. "For how I talked to you the last time." She looked away, and then whispered somethings to herself.

Really? Were they serious? Was that some kind of a joke? a set up? What sort of a flimsy fake apology was that? Racheal could never apologize to me for anything at all. Why was she apologizing to me for the least horrible thing she had ever done to

"I-" I turned to Luke "I don't understand." I told him. "What's going on-"

"Just accept the apology please."
I turned back to Racheal "It's hard enough that I had to say it. Don't make it even harder."

"Racheal-" Luke called her, my guess was to stop her from doing the same thing she had just apologized for.

"What?" She asked him. "This is getting really tiring, Luke. If we want her help, let's just go on out and ask her. Why must we have to do all of these unnecessary things?"

Unnecessary things? My help? What on earth did they need my help for?

"Kora," Luke hurried in front of me, just as I shifted my confused gaze towards him. "What Racheal is trying to say is-"

"No one knows who Luke is in this school." Racheal cut him off before he could even say anything else. Just like she always did. Typical Racheal. Interrupting everybody, and saying things when she wasn't asked. "No one knows who he really is, except you and I, and we would like to keep it that way."


I didn't even bother to look at Racheal, because nothing concerns me and am together. My business was just Luke, and Luke alone. I could see how tensed and uneasy he had become. I knew a part of him hated Racheal for always being the first to say everything.

"What Racheal is trying to say is," he continued. "No one knows my true identity here. No one knows I'm the son of an illiterate maid. To everyone at NAUN," he let out an exhale. "To everyone at NAUN, I'm new young money. You're the only one that knows. You and Racheal. I was kind of hoping you played along-"

"You want me to lie?"

"Not lie exactly." Racheal cut me off. "I mean, you wouldn't have to lie, if you just pretend like you didn't know him, or me. If you just pretend like nothing ever happened between the both of you. That way, no one would want to ask you anything."

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