28 | staring at broken mirrors

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Jeongguk isn't hungry at all, but in case Hoseok hasn't had breakfast and wants something to eat, he drives to a nearby diner rather than the coffee shop he and Taehyung usually go to.

For a weekend morning, it's not too busy. The boys are seated soon after arrival.

Around them the moderate chattering of guests continues as they remain silent. There are several ceiling fans spinning at a gradual pace, producing a soft whirring noise along with the air they circulate. It's a peaceful atmosphere. But Jeongguk feels anything but peace at the moment.

In just a few minutes, a young woman approaches their table with a smile on her face and a small notepad in her hand. "Can I get you two anything to drink?"

"Coffee is fine," Hoseok replies blandly. "Jeongguk?"

"I'll have water."

"Coffee and water, gotcha." The waitress glances at both boys. "Take your time with the menus, alright? I'll be right back with your drinks."

She leaves. Jeongguk watches Hoseok lazily scan the menu.

"Are you ordering anything to eat, Guk?"

"Ah, no, not me...I ate earlier."


"What about you?"

"Something small, I'm not too hungry right now."

Again, they wait in silence. Their waitress from earlier returns soon enough with a mug of coffee and a cup of water. She cheerfully takes Hoseok's order, double-checks with a Jeongguk to make sure he doesn't want anything, and leaves again to deliver the order to the diner's cooks - two eggs and a side of fried potatoes. Simple, so it doesn't take long before it's dropped off at their table.

Hoseok appears less in the mood to eat once his food is in front of him.

"...Jimin's been living with his aunt and uncle for almost three years."

Jeongguk looks at the other boy curiously.

"It doesn't feel like it's been three years...not to me, certainly not to him."

Hoseok picks at the potatoes on his plate, eyes traveling over to the coffee on his left side. Jeongguk says nothing. Anxiously, he curls his toes inside his boots, clenching his teeth, wanting to ask questions, but convincing himself that he shouldn't.

"I don't really know the best way to explain it all," Hoseok says after a moment. His eyelids look heavy. "I guess I could start by asking if you've heard of the clothing brand Cherrish?"

"I think so." Jeongguk purses his lips, puzzled by the question. "They're expensive, aren't they?"

"It's high-end, so yeah."

The boy pauses to take a sip of his coffee.

"This woman named Song Nari used to run the company. Beautiful woman, she's been on the cover of magazines, in articles, online, printed, whatever."

"I don't recognize the name."

"But you've seen her, I'm sure," Hoseok says with confidence. He reaches into his pocket to take out his phone, taps at the screen for a minute, then slides it across the table after turning it the other direction.

Jeongguk drops his gaze to the phone. Surely enough, the picture of the woman Hoseok brought up does spark a memory, somewhat vague, but enough to make the boy realize he has seen her before.


He nods, then pushes the phone back. Hoseok takes it.

"She's been on TV a lot, too, so it's probably less common to not recognize her."

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