6 | it's not flirting, it's team-building

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So eventually Taehyung gets his pants fixed.

And the boys attempt to get a start on the project, Jeongguk setting out the research materials he brought and making the tiniest effort to set out a plan with Hoseok, but Taehyung quickly distracts everyone with the announcement he's going to put on a movie.

And that's where chaos begin and project efforts end.

The movie Taehyung intended to put on is The Dark Night Rises, which everyone agreed on beforehand, what he actually puts on is The Bee Movie, and Jeongguk, for one, has seen the movie enough times to quote it line by line, so although he's not particularly interested, he says nothing.

Jimin sits down on the sofa next to the armrest, Hoseok sits next to him, and Taehyung - since it's "his house" - gets the last available spot. Absolutely not - he replies to Jeongguk's text - because he wants to sit next to Hoseok. He just likes the sofa better than the armchair, where Yoongi ends up sitting, because Jeongguk insists he doesn't mind sitting on the floor. So that's where he is now, leaning against a pillow in front of the end table right next to Jimin.

And Jeongguk can't help taking frequent, subtle glances at the boy. Again, he's seen The Bee Movie a million times so he knows he's not missing out on much. More so, Jimin looks absolutely invested in the movie. His wide, curious eyes hardly blinking, as though he would regret not seeing a single frame of this absolutely ludicrous film. He must not have seen it before, Jeongguk guesses. He wants to ask but also doesn't want to bother the boy.

He ends up doing so anyway.

As subtly as he can, Jeongguk nudges Jimin's leg, unintentionally startling him. "Oh, sorry," he whispers, cracking a smile. "I was just gonna ask, is this your first time watching this?"

Jimin gives a tentative nod. And Jeongguk is about to speak but he stops upon noticing Jimin opening his mouth again. "Have...have you seen it?"

"Have I?" The other says in a blatantly sarcastic tone. "Enough times to reenact the entire thing myself. Here, listen — according to all known laws of aviation-"

He stops abruptly at the sensation of a popcorn kernel hitting the side of his head.

"Dude, shut up, Hoseok can't hear the movie," Taehyung hisses. Jeongguk rolls his eyes and mocks his friend's words under his breath.

And he almost - keyword almost - misses the way Jimin's cheeks raise as a result of a barely perceptible, but completely genuine, silent laugh.

Jeongguk's heart leaps in his chest against his will.

He turns his attention back to the movie screen and shuts his mouth. For a short time.

"...isn't this bestiality?" Someone says.

"It's bee-stiality," Jeongguk replies out of habit, not even registering it's Jimin who uttered the question and not Taehyung. The giggle from behind him acts as a trigger.

Hoseok laughs, too, but by this point Jeongguk's heard Hoseok's laugh plenty of time, but never Jimin's.

Which he decides may be the cutest thing he's ever heard. Even in its softest form.

His eyes linger on the smile that stays on Jimin's face until, that is, the boy registers Jeongguk looking at him. Then the smile fades, shyness resettles, and a warm shade of pink stains Jimin's adorably round cheeks.

Again, Jeongguk's heart acts up.

He takes out his phone.


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