16 | strange things are happenin'

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Of course Jeongguk's glad to see Jimin the next day at school; however, it worries him. And it's just as he suspected of himself, Jeongguk can't shake the memory of his brief talk with Hoseok yesterday.

The saddening reality of what could have been just a harmless expression of style. But no, Jimin's simply hiding his stomach.

As he approaches the boy that morning at the lockers, Jeongguk wants nothing more than to walk up to Jimin and give him the biggest hug.

"Morning, Jimin."

He smiles big and bright as usual, hoping he'll get the same reaction in return. Jimin nods in greeting.

"Good morning."

"I love your shirt."

"Oh." Seeming shocked, the boy looks down at his shirt, then back up at Jeongguk, an innocent and somewhat happy gleam in his eye. "You do?"

"Yeah, it's really cute."

"Oh. Thank you."

A shy but genuine response. At least it seems to be. At least Jeongguk hopes it is. It's hard to tell when Jimin's shy nature urges him to avoid eye contact.

"So you're feeling better today?"

"Yeah, I'm okay." He crosses his arms over his chest. "Sorry if I worried you. I don't like to..."

"It's okay, Jimin, I don't want you to feel bad about worrying us," Jeongguk says softly. He scarcely holds back from putting his hand on Jimin's shoulder. "Just...try to take care of yourself more, okay? If not, then let us."

The boy tenses for a moment as he gazes at Jeongguk. Their eyes lock for a few long seconds, and then slowly, Jimin begins to nod, drawing a smile from the other.

The two walk to class together. And just like yesterday, Taehyung sneaks up from behind, probably thinking he's being subtle, Jeongguk guesses, but failing miserably. This time however Jeongguk chooses to say nothing and simply allows his friend to live out his super-spy fantasies.

Classes for the day go by as usual. Nothing exciting or out the ordinary occurs, classwork and lectures and preparations for upcoming exams, the such like. Jeongguk can't complain. Well, he can, but he doesn't - Taehyung does, though, because he's good at that and Jeongguk would never dream of trying to outshine his best friend in what he does best.

As a result of the somewhat boring but tolerable routines that entail, it's a long day, so by the end Jeongguk is looking forward to going home just as much as everyone else. To get his homework over and done with, to possibly have the chance to talk with Jimin, maybe play Pokémon or Mario Kart with him if he's not too busy.

A smile on his face, Jeongguk makes his way over to his locker to put away his things so he can go home.

He puts in his locker combination, pops it open, and is about to set his books inside when he spots something. A folded piece of paper he doesn't remember leaving in there. Most people would probably shrug it off, but Jeongguk tends to keep his locker fairly tidy, certainly much tidier than his room, so he picks up the folded paper to see what it is. Maybe it fell out of one of his books or folders, he thinks, could be important - doubtful, but possible.

He opens the piece of paper to reveal a message written on the inside.

jeongguk just open
your d̶̖̯͂̃̽̿̊̉͂̐̃̆͛̓̌̀̑̽̈́̿̓͒̅̉͐̅͋̋̑̑̌̆̀͘ą̴̨͔̗̫͍̫̪̰͎̯͙̪̳̫̻͔̫̇̒͛͋̓̓̀̉͑̓̾̆̆̍́͠͝͠͝͝ṁ̶̡̗̭͖͕͓͎͉̳͈̞͚̼̾̑̐̉́̅́̃͑̍̏̍̇͌͒̅͌̃̿̃̕̚͘͠͝ń̵̢̛͓͉̻̘͖̜̙̺̦̜̫̼͓̩̗̖͇͙̺̭̭̂̈́̄̒̏͗̎͌̽͌̋̉͘͘͝ eyes alread̸̛͓͌̎̆̌͛̂͐̋̓̊̈́̉̎͑̉̿̾͒̈́̏͑̈́̂̕̕y̸̨̡̪͓̱̼̞̳͕̼͎̌̊̽͜͝

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