21 | running to you, not from you

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Jeongguk's awake at the crack of dawn Saturday morning. However, not wishing to disturb Jimin in case the boy is still sleeping, he sits awake on his bed, massaging his ankle and contemplating whether he should bother getting breakfast.

The fortunate news is that his ankle has been feeling a lot better. Enough that Jeongguk considers ditching the crutches and simply leaving the brace on for today.

He's not sure. He's not sure how he's feeling this morning, either, which only makes him want time to go by a little faster so he can hang out with Jimin already.

Technically, they didn't decide on a specific time. Jeongguk just assumes some time in the afternoon, but maybe, if he's lucky, Jimin will be okay with going a little earlier.

Anything for a distraction.

Well, he can't really say that, as it's not the only reason. He also wants to spend time with Jimin.

Spend time. That's all it is, a casual hangout.

Because he chickened out after throwing that bold so it's a date? text. Although he can't fully say he chickened out. More so, he backed out because he didn't want to make Jimin feel awkward, should that be the boy's reaction to the question.

That would be the worst case scenario. Should the day come Jeongguk actually confesses, and Jimin reacts in that way...

He doesn't want to think about it. Right now, he doesn't need to think about it, he just needs to focus on building up his excitement for today.

After sitting awake in bed for about an hour, Jeongguk finally gets up to dress himself for the day. And he tries a little harder this time. He's going on a "date" with Jimin, after all, so of course he wants to look good, of course he wants to impress the boy. At the same time, there's not much in his closet that really stands out from anything else, so he gives up after a few minutes and throws together a random white t-shirt and a pair of jeans.

As Jeongguk's putting on the brace for his ankle, he hears his phone buzz on his night stand. He hurries to finish what he's doing and reaches for his phone.



just wanted to let you know my aunt said she could drive us to the mall

i don't typically like asking people for favors but i doubt you really want to be taking the bus with your ankle not fully recovered

it's really not that bad jimin :(


she said it's not inconvenient for her, since she's going out today anyway

not for work this time but she's going somewhere with her friends or something, idk

anyway will you be ready by eleven?

yeah of course, i'm ready now actually

okay well she'll probably be leaving at like 10:30 so we'll be at your house probably a little before 11

sounds great :)

are u okay

super excited for today (`・∀・')

...ok i'll see u then


He smiles and sets his phone on his bed.

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