8 | he can't sleep like this

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Somehow the boys manage to get work done.

Jeongguk didn't see it coming, nor did Taehyung's sister, who comes downstairs at one point to grab a soda and snacks from the fridge.

Their dad gets home from work around seven p.m. and is absolutely baffled at the sight of his son sitting like a decent human being on the couch with his glasses on, computer on his lap, textbook open beside him, and working diligently. Not to mention the group of four other boys, only one of whom he recognizes, also working.

Thanks to all their diligence, though, Jeongguk, Taehyung, Yoongi, Jimin, and Hoseok are able to complete the majority of their project in one night. The essays, the 3D model - which ends up looking like a 5th grade-level design but it's still a 3D model so no one's going to complain that the thing isn't award-winning architecture - and finally the drawings, made courtesy of Jeongguk who volunteered to take anything over having to write history essays.

So now there are only a few finishing touches needing to be made, all of which could potentially be finished in one class period.

That being said, the boys are more than willing to put away what they have left to do and spend the rest of the night playing video games and lounging around. Even Jimin participates in the games, but is still the quietest and Jeongguk can't help but notice the frequent, shameful glances the boy makes towards him.

It's around one in the morning when Taehyung finally announces he wishes to go to sleep. Yoongi seconds that decision. Hoseok thirds it. The other two boys don't get the chance to voice their opinions, the host decides, as it's a majority vote and he doesn't want anyone roaming about his house while he's sleeping because he doesn't trust anyone. Jeongguk calls him dramatic. Taehyung sticks his tongue out at him and tells Jeongguk he's sleeping on the floor.

Of course, he planned to initially anyway, so it doesn't bother him. It bothers him a bit that Jimin insists on sleeping on the floor as well, his reason being that he doesn't want to take up the comfortable space someone else could be using. After a soft, minor argument with the host who insists otherwise, Jimin gets his wish and is soon situated on the floor with a small, old futon and pillows.

The coffee table was moved out of the way earlier to make room for them and Taehyung, as the final decision was for Hoseok to sleep on the couch and Yoongi on the recliner. So now Jeongguk finds himself lying on another futon, in between his best friend and Jimin, who has his back turned towards him, seemingly asleep. Jeongguk, too, eventually falls asleep, but in the middle of the night he wakes up with his mouth and throat feeling dry.

The first thing he notices after opening his eyes is that Jimin isn't there. The covers are pulled back, and there's a small indent where the boy's head was softly resting. Jeongguk glances behind him - Tae's still asleep. So are Hoseok and Yoongi, who apparently both sleep with their mouths wide open. Charming.

As silently as he can, Jeongguk peels back his own covers and gets up from the floor. He takes a look around him. From where he's standing, the kitchen is in view, at least enough that he can tell one of the electric candles is on. Taehyung's family typically keep them on at night but then them off when everyone is about to go to bed, which is what Taehyung did earlier that night.

Jeongguk tiptoes across the living room until he reaches the kitchen.

And there he finds Jimin, sitting on the tiled floor, hugging his knees against his chest.

Jeongguk turns another candle on to brighten the room just a bit more.

It seems only then that Jimin registers Jeongguk's presence, which triggers the smaller boy to raise his head suddenly in alarm. His complexion grows pale instantly at the sight of his classmate standing at the doorway.

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