1 | operation: get jimin's attention

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Jeongguk drives himself and Taehyung to school every morning. It takes five minutes to drive to Taehyung's house, then another fifteen minutes to their favorite coffee shop, and finally another ten minutes to the school building. So roughly a half hour - except on the days when Jeongguk's dear friend takes a particularly long time getting out of bed. Which is most days. So actually it's closer to forty-five minutes total.

Regardless, Jeongguk gets up early enough in the morning to arrive at school comfortably on time. Today, he arrives with roughly twenty minutes to spare before the start of their first class.

It's enough time, he tells himself. Perfect timing, too. On his way to his own locker, Jeongguk spots the boy again.

Park Jimin, retrieving his textbooks from his locker, one earphone in as the other one dangles in front of him. He's bobbing his head slightly to the sound of guitar music which Jeongguk can faintly hear coming from the dangling earphone.

This Tuesday morning, Jimin's wearing an oversized sweatshirt as usual - this one's pink and blue in color. The hood is partially pulled over his head but hanging back enough that Jeongguk can see the boy's messy black hair. Cute.

"Hey, I like your hoodie, Jimin."

Nothing strange or alarming about a friendly compliment, Jeongguk thinks. Wrong. He's dead wrong. Or it seems so, anyway.

Eye contact is made for a split second. Following that split second, Jimin nearly throws all his books on the and floor and comes close to slamming his locker shut on his finger, all while attempting, rather, succeeding, in making a mad dash to get away from Jeongguk.

And so Jeongguk is left to stand in utter silence and extreme puzzlement in front of Jimin's locker where he swears the boy was just standing.

"Yo, he just road-runnered into the next dimension." Taehyung comes up from behind to place a hand on his friend's shoulder. "What did you do, threaten to kiss him?"

Jeongguk blinks. "I...complimented his hoodie."

"Oh, well that was a crazy reaction. He's super fast."

"Yeah, apparently..."

Taehyung hums and nods, raising his coffee from earlier that morning up to his lips, where he then proceeds to take the most obnoxious sip known to mankind.

"Wanna walk to class?"

"What else are we gonna do?" Jeongguk shoots him a look. "Skip?"

"Skip class? Or skip to class?" Taehyung asks. "Cus I'm down for both. Wait-"

Regardless of Jeongguk not having moved a centimeter from his standpoint, Taehyung extends his hand to press against his friend's chest, so as to stop him in his tracks. Tae's eyes follow a boy passing by them in the hallway.

"Jung Hoseok, who gave you the right to wear those killer pants."

He drags his thumb across his chin, puckering his lips. Jeongguk just stares at his friend till that predictable, oblivious 'what?' is uttered.

"Dude, I'm not gay," Tae shook his head resolutely. "I'm just saying it how it is, killer pants."

"First of all, I don't believe you, second of all-" The other boy pauses to sigh. "-no one uses 'killer' anymore."

ᴘɪᴄᴛᴜʀᴇsǫᴜᴇ. | ᴊɪᴋᴏᴏᴋ ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz