"No, thanks. I'm cold,"

He chuckled and grabbed a blanket, pulling my beanbag together with his and putting a blanket across us.

"I wish I had this many books,"

"You can borrow some if you want,"

"I can?"

"Yeah, no one really comes here for books,"


Again, he smiled, then he turned the tv on and had it in the background. His mum came home and welcomed me, but we mainly went on our phones.

It was nice, and not awkward.

I ended up leant against his arm, my head on his shoulder, feeling my eyes droop.

I couldn't fall asleep on him.

"Lunch!" his mum called, making me yawn, and flop even more. When he stood up, he pulled me off the bean bag and then upstairs, where two bowls of soup with fancy bread rolls.

I thought it would be tomato, but whatever it was, was still nice.

"How was the first week of school?" Kelly asked me, "I heard you started new classes,"

"It was okay,"

"Not in the swing of it yet huh?"

I shook my head and looked down, taking a bite if the bread; it was harder than I expected.

"It'll be back to normal next week," Sam said, "we still have English together, and I'll come to the office whenever,"


Thankfully, the subject dropped, and I carried on eating. Suddenly, I bit into something hard and yelped, pulling a brace from my mouth.


"There's always something," Sam laughed, "always an adventure. Text your mum about it,"

"I don't want to go yet,"

"You don't have to, but let her know,"


He grinned and shook his head, both of us finishing up. Then, we went back to the basement and played video games for a bit. Sam was pretty carefree and content and it made me feel like I could be too- I loved being with him.

When dad came, I was actually upset.

"Hiya Sam," he smiled, pulling me into a side hug, "did you have a good time?"


"She's been a pleasure," Kelly said, "she's always welcome to come home with Sam afterschool,"

"That's nice ay? Once we have settled, we can have friends round,"

I nodded and smiled at Sam, before the door shut and we walked away.

"You're missing a brace,"

"It fell off at lunch,"

"What on earth did you eat?"


"Right... well we need to fix that really. Shall we see if mum can do it now?"


"Yes, sweetheart, because you need it all fixed,"

"No," I whined, "dad,"

"I'll hold your hand, you needed them tightening this week anyway,"

I slumped back in the car seat and sulked, hoping he would change his mind; he didn't. He called mum and we went straight to the hospital.

I had to brush my teeth and then sit down in her room with the glaring light.

"Your bite is getting better, so I am gonna change how your elastics go,"


"You're alright poppet,"


"What's up?" she said, getting the new brackets, "it's nothing new,"

"I don't like it,"

All day, I'd been close to Sam, allowing me to close off a little and hide myself- now I was in the open and I hated it.

"If you let me do it, I will let you off for leaving socks all over your room just this once,"

"Okay," I mumbled, not wanting my phone taken away; plus, pocket money sounded fun.

I let mum fix and tighten my braces, which did make me miserable, then we went home. Dad cooked me spaghetti with tomato sauce while everyone else had bolognese and pasta, but I didn't have any energy to care anymore.

I wasn't happy anymore. My jaw hurt and I had school.

"Ava, do you want to read to me later?"


"We could play a video game?" Marcus asked.

"I've played some,"

"The attic was nice and tidy, so you could do some drawing?" mum asked, taking my plate.

"No thanks," I sighed, standing up from the table. I went upstairs to my room, kicking the socks out of the way before changing into my pyjamas. Trying to keep my cool, I brushed my teeth and washed my face, then crawled into bed.

And cried.

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