"I feel really annoying and ugly today,"

"You're never ugly, maybe annoying sometimes, but never ugly," he smiled, a little laugh escaping from me.

"You'll be okay,"

I ate my toast and he took my plate, so I went upstairs and brushed my teeth. I got my phone and a zip up hoodie, then went downstairs and out my shoes on.

We got into the car and I put my headphones in, my knee bouncing up and down. I wished Milo could come, but it was a hospital and I knew it could be dangerous if someone had an allergy.

"I packed you a small bag for Michael's because you forgot. You can stay home if you want,"


"Okay, I was just letting you know, I will drop Milo off later on for you,"


"Do you have any homework?"

"No, it starts next week,"

"Alright, we will keep on top of that. Do you want a friend over on Tuesday?"

"Amber, Sapphire and Owen,"

"I am okay with that if they can get picked up,"

I nodded and texted them, turning the phone off as we arrived at the hospital. We went inside and waited in the waiting room until Luke came out, which thankfully wasn't long after.

"Good morning,"

"It's not feeling like it," dad sighed, "very anxious today,"

"Well come and sit down, I want to talk to you like usual,"

Dad sat in the corner and was joined by Michael, while I laid down on the bed and Luke rolled his chair over.

"Tough morning?"

"I don't want this,"

"We are gonna try and get you less medicine though, ay? Get you all sorted,"

"I hate myself today,"

"Well I don't hate you, and I think you're a little worked up aren't you? It makes everything feel one hundred times worse when your stressed,"

I started crying and dad came over, gently running his fingers through my hair.

"Have you still been going to therapy?"

"Yeah, but now it's only one session again,"

"I think you'll learn to cope. It's extremely hard, but you can," dad said, kissing my head.

"And how has your period been?"

"It hurts,"

"More than you can handle?"

"I've felt worse,"

He took my hand, intertwining our fingers- he really was sorry, and trying to do the right thing.

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