Imperial base

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Oliver lands the jet and all the stormtroopers stand to attention as we exit and walk into the imperial science base that will be my home for the next month or two. He leads me to a large room full of chairs and turns grinning "This is the debriefing room, anything big happens you report here." I nod "Thank you." He nods "Follow me to your quarters." He walks out the room to a large lift at the end of the corridor and walks in me following making sure to walk with good posture and an air of authority.

Oliver slouches against the lift wall and smirks "So how long will you be staying with us (C/N)?" I raise an eyebrow at him "As long as needed." He nods and turns to the lift doors as they open "Follow me." We walk out and Oliver leads me along a corridor where every few meters there is a door with a number on.

He stops outside room 45 and clicks his heels together turning around "This is your room the other people on your corridor are all high up science and imperial officers, mess hall opens at seven." I bow my head "Thank you, now if you excuse me." He nods and walks off, I open the door and set the passcode before closing it and turning to the room inside.
It's large with simple grey walls and a double bed, desk and an adjoining bathroom. Placing my bag on the floor I turn to the small window looking out over the bleak wasteland of a planet with buildings dotted here and there.

I sigh it could be worse and it's only temporary. I touch my necklace gently turning back to my room lets just hope no one works out who I really am that could get messy. Checking the wardrobe I find several outfits with the imperial logo on and smile I quickly unpack my bags before turning to the large computer screen mounted on the wall "Computer on." The screen lights up and a blank search engine appears "projects of the last year." There is a slight pause then pages of writing pops up in alphabetical order. I find that I have very high clearance and read through as much as I can losing myself in taking notes on my padd. 

At seven there is a knock at the door and I close the computer down and walk over "Oliver?" he grins "I thought I would escort you to dinner." I smile slightly "That would be great." he nods and I step out the room closing my door "Everyone is looking forward to meeting you." I raise an eyebrow "Really?" he grins "We rarely get anyone transfer here so everyone read what they could on you." I nod "Right." he grins "Not in a creepy way but umm." I smile "You can stop talking." he smiles slightly "Thanks." we walk into the lift and go down to the mess hall.

"The food is terrible by the way." I grin "That's fine, good food is hard to come by." he nods "I know." we walk out the lift and down the hall to the mess hall where several science officers are sitting. I grab a tray of some weird looking grey slop and bread and follow Oliver to a table. I nod at the two other science officers sitting at the table and they nod stiffly while four others join our table I recognise their insignia, mechanics. They nod and one tilts there head slightly "Your that new lady." I nod "I am." she grins "Welcome, I'm Mya." I smile "Nice to meet you." she grins "How are you liking the new base?" I shrug "It's different from my old one but it seems nice here." she nods.

Oliver grins at Mya and mouths something to her but I ignore him and start eating the grey slop which actually tastes alright. "Hey Y/N did you hear that Kylo Ren is visiting tomorrow?" I feel my self freeze up and shake my head "No." he nods "Yea it's a routine check so you better not be late to the debriefing room. I nod "Does he visit a lot?" he shrugs "I guess." I stay quiet for the rest of dinner and listen to the others discussing the statistics behind a new weapon they're building. I take mental notes and finish my food quickly before standing "I'll see you tomorrow." Oliver and Mya smile and everyone else nods. I speed walk back to my room and lock the door I re-open the computer and copy as much as I can onto a stick. I open up the computer I brought from the rebellion and plug it in and sending it all to Leia. I close it down and hide it under the mattress before lying down and falling asleep.

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