This was a new level of manipulation, even for Sarayah. This was exactly what she wanted. To shock me into letting her in, but I wasn't gonna fall for it. This was the same kid who faked her own death. Who knew what kind of shit she pulled to get this done. I wouldn't have been surprised if she'd gotten someone to beat her up just to make us feel sorry for her. I couldn't let her fool me again. She'd already managed to worm her way back in with my entire family. I was the only one who still remembered who we were dealing with.

I shook my head. "You think I care that you're a little bruised up? You think that's doing something?" I chuckled. "You're really something, Sarayah. You are really something."

She looked confused. "What? I'm not trying to do anything." Her voice was rough, barely coming out above a whisper.

I nodded. "Clearly, because I told you to get up two minutes ago, and you're still here."

"Fine, I'll leave for now," Sarayah conceded.

"Forever," I amended.

She frowned. "I thought we went over this already. You're not keeping me away from my sister."

"That agreement ended the moment you kidnapped said sister. You promised me you'd die before you let her get hurt, and yet here you are, still alive. Why?"

Sarayah's face crumpled. "I–I tried–" she started, her voice breaking.

"And you failed," I snapped, my eyes blazing.

She sat there, stunned. I continued, unperturbed. "So, we understand each other? Good. Because, you need to know, Sarayah, you may have everyone else eating out of the palm of your hand, but that isn't gonna be me. I see you for you."

"And who is that?" She asked softly.

I looked her up and down. "A mini version of your scamming ass mama."

Sarayah rubbed her swollen eye, then nodded. "Good to know."

She kissed Blue on her cheek and stood up slowly. I watched impatiently as she took her time leaving. I'd never seen someone move so slowly in my life.

"Really, Sarayah? You're gonna play this up as much as possible, aren't you?"

She ignored me, continuing at her slow pace. I could barely stand it. She was really pulling out all the stops to make me feel bad for her. Had she forgotten that I saw her jump over a fucking fence less than 24 hours ago? How gullible did she think I was? It took everything in me not to grab her and push her out of the room.

"Oh, did you break your legs too?" I asked, blinking innocently at her. I dropped my expression, gritting my teeth. "Walk. Faster."

Sarayah glared at me, her eyes glistening. For a second I thought she was going to yell at me like she used to, but she just sagged.

Her cheeks coloured, and she looked away. "I can't."

I rolled my eyes as she continued walking at the same pace. I stepped to the side as she passed me, careful to avoid her touch. The moment she stepped into the hall I slammed the door shut behind her. I leaned my head against the cool wood, breathing shakily.

"Why are you so mean to 'Rayah?"

My shoulders slumped. Blue. I'd been so focused on my anger towards Sarayah, that I'd forgotten Blue was watching. I turned to face my daughter's accusing stare. I steeled myself. She was just a child. She didn't understand the complexities of the situation. So, why should her opinion matter? I sighed, trying to think of a way to explain myself to her.

"Because, Sarayah did a very bad thing, and she needs to learn her lesson. Everyone's treating her like a queen, rewarding her for her bad behavior. They're encouraging her to do it again. That's wrong."

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