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Jay July 27, 2016
I woke up to a quiet house. I felt a weight on me and looked up to see a sleeping Blue lying on my chest. I tried to slide out of bed without waking her, but as soon as I moved, she sat up. She rubbed her eyes sleepily and held her arms out to me. I smiled, picking her up; she was still my baby. I walked downstairs and saw Mama T preparing dinner. I peeked into the living room to see Julez playing video games. I sat Blue at the kitchen table and started looking around for food.

"Where's everyone?" I asked, my voice still thick from sleep.

Mama T looked up at me. "Oh, the girls decided to give Sarayah a tour. They left less than an hour ago."

I frowned, checking on the two pop tarts I had put in the toaster for Blue. Bey would disapprove, but she wasn't here.

"Just Solo, Bey and Sarayah? I'm surprised Bey and Sarayah went along with that," I commented. "Even with Solo there."

"Oh, Kelly and Michelle went too. They got here today."

I took out the pop tarts and gave them to Blue. I put my finger over my lips and winked. She smiled, mimicking the action back to me before tearing into the pop tarts.

"I thought they were coming on Friday," I said, leaning on the counter.

Mama T chuckled shaking her head. "You know how they like their dramatic entrances, especially Kelly. You can always count on her to make 'surprise' visits."

I nodded. "True. Well, they couldn't wake nobody up? I don't want to be stuck in the house with just the kids. Actually, where's Alan? I shouldn't be the only one subjected to this. Misery loves company and I would sure like his. Where he at?"

She shook her head smiling. "Alan's in the office, taking a conference call. Something important and secret. He told me to keep the kids busy. He should be done in about an hour."

I groaned. "An hour? Why do I feel like he planned this so he wouldn't have to think of how to keep the kids busy?"

She laughed. "You're being ridiculous. There are so many things to do. Go take them out for ice cream or something. Solo took her jeep so you can use my car. My keys are on the hook by the door."


I looked at Blue and shook my head. "Those pop tarts not enough for you?"

She shook her head firmly.

"You really want Mommy to kill Daddy, don't you?"

She nodded. I sighed.

"I guess that's settled then."

I walked to the living room. "Julez, do you wanna come with us to get some ice cream?"

He shrugged, not even bothering to look up from his game. "Sure."

I waited for a few seconds. "We leaving now, man. Shut off the game."

He paused it and stood up. I picked Blue up, grabbed the keys and walked to the car. We drove around for a few minutes before ending up at an old-fashioned ice cream shop. I squinted, trying to see if it was crowded before I got out of the car. When I decided there was a safe amount of people in there, I parked. Julez helped Blue out of her car seat, and we entered the shop. There were only a couple people in there, and they didn't look like they would know anything about my music. I walked to the front with the kids. They walked around, looking at the different flavors.

The worker, a teenaged boy, came out from the back. When he saw me, his eyes widened. Thankfully, he got control of himself.

"Hello Mr. Jay-Z, sir. What can I get you?"

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