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Beyoncé July 6, 2016
I watched Sarayah as she looked over her menu. Her face was scrunched up in thought. I smiled to myself. She looked so cute.

I folded my menu and set it to the side. "Okay, what's the problem, Sarayah?"

She looked up startled, and blushed. "This stuff's really expensive. I don't know what I can get."

Solo shot her a disbelieving look. "Bey just dropped a whole mortgage on your little shopping spree, and you're worried about some $50 food? Girl bye." She looked back at her menu.

Sarayah's blush deepened. I reached over and cupped her chin.

"Get whatever you want, baby." I said, shaking my head at Solange.

Sarayah smiled and looked back at her menu. I could see the wheels spinning in her head. I knew she was about to have me dropping thousands in this place. I didn't mind though. I was happy to do it. Today we had made a lot of progress. When we were sitting in that last boutique, for a moment there, Sarayah was looking at me with something other than mild distaste. For a moment, it looked like she might have remembered how she used to like me. Even love me.

The waitress came and took our orders. As expected, Sarayah ordered enough food for a small family. Solange looked at her funny after the waitress left.

"Dang girl, you got a tapeworm or something? Greedy ass, just like yo' mama." She looked at me, fully expecting the slap that I gladly gave her.

Sarayah laughed and then looked down at her phone. She smiled and texted someone before putting her phone back down. I narrowed my eyes. In all honesty, I'd forgotten she still had her phone with all her old contacts. In all the excitement it didn't seem very important, but now...

"Who you texting that got you smiling all wide, gums shining?" Solange joked.

Sarayah rolled her eyes, playfully. "No one you know."

Her phone vibrated, and she picked it up again, continuing to text. I pursed my lips.

"Yeah, who are you texting?" I tried to keep the suspicion out of my tone. I wasn't stupid. I knew she still didn't like or trust me. She merely tolerated me at this point. If Solange hadn't been with us, the day would have gone very differently.

She glared back at me, immediately suspicious. "A friend from home."

I drummed my fingers on the table, wondering how I should play this. On one hand, I needed her to trust me, but on the other hand, I needed to be sure she wasn't texting her.

"What friend?" I demanded.

She set her phone down, giving me her full attention. "Nevaeh. Any more questions, or can we all go back to minding our own business?"

Solange looked back and forth between the two of us. "So, how do you like New York so far, Sarayah? Less hot than Florida, I bet."

I leaned back in my seat. So, she wasn't texting her, apparently, but still...

"I think we should get you a new phone. You're gonna need a new plan anyway since that...woman obviously won't be paying the bill anymore."

Sarayah looked at me curiously, trying to figure out my angle. "Okay."

"We'll get you a new number too," I added offhandedly, watching for her reaction.

Her eyes widened for a split second. That was all I needed to confirm my suspicions. She either wanted to be in contact with that bitch, or she already was.

"I don't see the point in that. Seems like a waste of time, if you ask me," she argued, trying to play it cool.

"Good thing I didn't. We're changing it." I stated, unwavering. I twirled my straw around my drink, casually taking a sip.

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