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Sarayah P.O.V. July 5, 2016
Jay-Z glared at me. I faked a concerned expression.

"Your wife seems pretty fragile. I hope I didn't break her." I tilted my head in a condescending manner, trying to push him to his limit.

He shook his head at me in disgust and left the room, following his wife.

I smiled, allowing myself a moment to revel in my victory. Seeing Beyoncé and Jay-Z walk through the door had admittedly been weird. I had read the report but reading and seeing are two completely different things. Either way, I couldn't care less. Mama had never been fond of celebrities, especially those two. Always said they were entitled assholes who cared more about their money than their family. I guess that's why she took me away from them. They were probably terrible parents. They had to be.

I turned my gaze on Isobel, who seemed very stressed out.

"So, you planning on starving me, or can I get some food?"

She stared at me for a few seconds, probably trying to figure out my intentions. I didn't blame her. The last time they had offered me food, I'd thanked them by whipping the tray at Officer Jones's face. It would definitely bruise. I felt a little bad about it now, but at the time it seemed justified.

"Now you're hungry?" She asked me, suspicion plain in her tone.

I nodded patiently, trying to keep my cool. I stared down at the table and adopted what I hoped was a vulnerable tone.

"I'm sorry about last time. This has all been a lot to handle. I guess I just needed to let my anger out, but I shouldn't have let it out on you guys. I really am sorry."

She nodded. "Okay, but you might want to give that apology to Officer Jones."

"I will."

She smiled. "Okay." She paused, weighing her words. "Did you want to talk about anything?"

I shook my head. "No, I think I just need some time to myself. I need to think. It's a lot to take in, you know?"

She hummed in agreement. She watched me for a few more moments, studying my expression.

"Are you sure you don't want some company? I can be a great sounding board."

"I'm not ready for that yet."

She stared at me for a few tense moments before walking to the door and whispering something to the officer. I sighed when she turned back around to face me. Was I not clear?

She held up her hands, clearly sensing my thoughts. "Don't worry, I'm leaving. I just wanted to let you know that Officer Jones is gonna make you another grilled cheese sandwich. Try to eat it this time."

I nodded. "I will."

She pointed back at the door. "I'll be waiting outside. Shout if you need me."

I nodded, waiting for her to close the door. As soon as the door shut, I got up. I quietly carried my chair over to the door, careful not to let it drag on the floor, and waited thirty seconds. I wanted to wait longer, but the bio-parents could be back any moment. I couldn't risk getting caught. I lifted the chair above my head and took a deep breath.


Two seconds later the door opened, and Isobel walked in. She looked at the vacant table, confused, as the door shut.


I slammed the chair down on the back of her head and watched her crumple to the floor. I quickly crouched down beside her, checking her breathing. When I was sure she was still alive, I ripped off her jacket and put it on. I pulled the hood over my head and pushed my hair to the back. I stepped out the door, making sure to shut it behind me.

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