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It's been a minute. I've been admittedly stalling, but here it is. Your first warning. I'm not really sure where this falls on the scale of grossness. It's really not that bad, but it makes me uncomfortable. So, you've been warned.

Sarayah September 8, 2016
I set another bag aside, feeling numb. This would be my last day working in the 'kitchen'. I looked around the grimy room as everyone went on with their business. Just a week earlier, I'd been wishing I could be anywhere else, but now that I had to leave...

"Alright, pack up your shit and go." Demarcus yelled from the doorway.

I got up and walked towards the door, but before I could make it through, Demarcus pulled me aside, letting everyone else pass in front of me. Predictable. After all, it was his last chance to piss me off, at least as my 'boss'. I looked up at him, expecting to see a smirk. I was surprised to see that he was staring down at me thoughtfully.

"Last day?" Demarcus asked as if he didn't already know.

I nodded. "Yup. Guess you're going to have to find another girl to harass."

Demarcus shook his head smiling, flashing his gold grill. "You think this is bad? You should be thanking me. It's gonna be a lot worse where you're going."

I shuddered, knowing he was right. His face suddenly changed, becoming serious.

"Be careful, Ray."

I looked up at him, surprised by his break in character. "What? I'm supposed to believe you care about me now?"

He chuckled, rubbing his head. "Nah. It's not even like that."

I narrowed my eyes. "Then what's it like?"

He sighed, looking away before turning back to me. "I know I've been an ass, but you know I would never do anything with you unless you wanted it. The people who you're about to be dealing with won't care about what you want."

I hugged myself. "Alison said I won't have to do anything too bad. Just hand jobs."

Demarcus shook his head. "That's how it always starts." He paused. "That's how she started."

I frowned. "She won't make me do anything I'm not willing to do."

He studied me, doubt in his eyes. "I hope she's worth your trust."

I stared up at him. "I hope she is too." I stepped around him and headed for the door.


I turned back to look at him.

"If you need anything to help get you through it, come find me. I got you," Demarcus promised.

I frowned slightly. "I don't know if adding drug user on top of prostitute is the best idea."

Demarcus shrugged. "Maybe not. But going through all of that sober? Do you really want to remember all of this?"

I watched him for a moment, trying to come up with a good answer, but there was none, so I walked away.


"Explain it again," I repeated for the billionth time, desperately trying to stall.

Alison rolled her eyes. "No, Sarayah. I've explained it a thousand times already. Explaining it again won't make a difference."

"It might!" I squeaked, on the verge of panicking.

We were in our room, preparing for my first client. I was pacing back and forth in the tiny space available to me, while Alison watched impassively from the bed.

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