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Beyoncé July 5, 2016
I woke up to someone banging on the front door and ringing the doorbell. I ignored it, waiting for Jay to answer the door. The banging and ringing continued, getting more persistent. It had to be Solange. No one in their right mind would be that disrespectful. I groaned. Jay was probably in the studio. He wouldn't be able to hear anything. I turned my head to the side. Blue was curled up beside me, fast asleep. She stirred, frowning. I kissed my teeth. Solange was about to wake up my child. I got out of bed, silently cursing Solange. I jogged downstairs and opened the door. Solo pushed me out of the way, marching inside like she owned the place.

"Where my babies at?" She yelled.

I heard the telltale patter of Blues footsteps. She appeared at the top of the stairs, preparing to run straight to her death.

"Blue Ivy Carter, what did I say about running down the stairs?" I yelled.

She slowed down looking sheepish. She still vaulted off the last step and into Solo's arms though, so she couldn't have felt that bad.

I turned back to the door to see my mother struggling with a bag. I took the bag, closing the door behind her. As soon I set the bag down, I hugged her. Even though I didn't think it was a good idea for them to be here, I was secretly glad to have some support. Lord knows I needed it. Mama hugged me back, smiling.

"Hey baby," she murmured, rubbing my back soothingly.

"Hey Mama." I broke the hug. "I'm glad you're here."

We smiled at each other for a few moments before I led her to the kitchen. I was hungry, and I knew if we stood in the kitchen long enough, she would eventually start making food.

I sat on a bar stool and propped my elbows up on the counter. She stood on the opposite side. Solo sat in the seat next to me, setting Blue down in her lap. Everyone looked at me expectantly. I ignored them, playing with my nails. I knew what was coming, but that didn't mean I had to welcome it with open arms.

"Where's August?" Solange asked, breaking the silence.

"She likes to be called 'Sarayah'," Blue stated, matter-of-factly. Solange looked down at her curiously.

"Is that so?" She asked, looking back at me, eyebrow raised.

"August is upstairs resting." I replied, hoping they wouldn't ask any more questions for now.

Mama opened the fridge and pulled out ingredients for a sandwich. I allowed myself a small victory smile. It always worked. She looked up at me, worry etched into her features.

"What's going on, baby? You didn't sound right on the phone."

I quickly glanced at Blue. Solange got the hint.

"Hey Blue, how about we go upstairs and play for a while? Maybe we can even wake up your sister." I frowned at the last part. Solo smiled back mischievously.

Blue scrunched up her face. "It's not fair. You always make me leave when it gets good."

Solo laughed and lifted Blue onto her shoulders, walking out of the room. I waited until they were out of earshot before turning back to my mama.

"She hates me," I blurted out, already feeling the tears beginning to form in my eyes.

She set down the knife and hurried around the island to pull me into a hug. I rested my head on her shoulder.

"I can deal with her not remembering me; she was only four and half when she was taken. She was probably too young to remember anything. But to have her hate me? How am I supposed to deal with that?" I cried.

She shook her head. "I'm sure she doesn't hate you, Juju."

I sniffled, getting myself under control. I hated how sensitive I was. I had been that way since I was a child. Solange always had to stick up for me at school. It was embarrassing. I wiped my eyes on my shirt.

"Oh, I'm sure she does. You should see the way she looks at me. I guess you will when she comes down." I shrugged, trying to seem apathetic. "If she comes down."

Mama frowned. "So, she doesn't remember you at all?"

I shook my head, sighing. "Nope. She doesn't remember me or Jay. We're complete strangers to her. I don't think she remembers anything before she was kidnapped."

"Hmm. How's she getting along with Jay and Blue?"

I chuckled bitterly. "Oh, she's fine with Jay, and she adores Blue. She's saved all her hatred for me. That b–" I paused. I almost forgot who I was speaking to. "–woman replaced me as her mother. There's no room for me in her heart anymore."

"She'll make room. You just have to be patient. Trust me, baby. The bond between a mother and her child is unbreakable," she assured me, stroking my cheek softly. I smiled, leaning into her touch. This is why I needed my mama.

I reached over the counter and grabbed one half of the sandwich. Mama shook her head at me, and I smiled, taking a bite. Suddenly there was a loud bang. I looked up at the ceiling then back at my mama.

"Your bighead daughter better not be breaking my house."

Mama shrugged, holding up her hands. "She is a grown woman. I will not be held accountable for her actions."

She walked around the island to take the other half of the sandwich. She took a bite, looking at me.

"You gonna go check on them? You know how much your sister likes to bother your poor children. Do you remember how she was with August? That poor child. She tormented her. Every five minutes she would be yelling for me. 'Grandmaaa! Grandmaaa! Look what Solo did!' It was ridiculous."

She shook her head chuckling lightly. "You should check on them."

I shrugged. "August can handle herself. If there's an issue, she has no problem yelling and right now I don't hear any screaming so–"

"GRANDMAAAAAAA!" August's voice rang through the house.

My head shot up. Grandma? That was August's voice for sure, but that made no sense. Why would August be calling for a grandma she couldn't remember? Mama looked at me before running up the stairs. I followed closely behind her. She burst into the room.

August was glaring at Solange while Solange just stood there grinning like an idiot. I looked at the door. Solange had broken down the door, but I couldn't care less about that. August had called out for her grandma. I stared at her in disbelief as she explained what had happened, casually using Solange's nickname. I watched as recognition washed over her face. I watched as my mama and my sister pulled her into hugs. I watched as my family had the reunion I had always dreamed of, without me.

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