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Beyoncé  July 7, 2016
I grabbed my keys, and Solange immediately snatched them out of my hand. I turned to glare at her, but she just stalked out in front of me and hopped in the driver's seat. I strapped Blue in, and Solange drove us to the hospital. I called ahead to make sure we could have some privacy. When we got there, they escorted us to a private section. I set Blue down on the hospital bed and waited.

Solange was tapping her foot impatiently. When I looked over at her, she clenched her jaw and turned away. After a minute, Blue's physician, Dr. Marsh walked in. We chose her because she was nice, but more importantly she was professional. She didn't gawk at us or talk about anything besides the matter at hand.

She asked us a few questions about how it happened before diving in. She peeled off the bandage and carefully examined Blue's cut.

I watched her anxiously. "Do you think she'll need stitches?"

She shook her head and gave me a reassuring smile. "No, it's too shallow for that. A bandage will suffice. She might have a small scar after, but she should be fine. What I'm concerned about is whether she has a concussion."

Dr. Marsh turned back to Blue, who was still crying. She checked both her eyes, using a small flashlight. I stood behind her, watching over her shoulder. After a moment she nodded, clicking off the light.

"She has a mild concussion."

I stepped around her to hold onto Blue. "That's not too serious, right? Nothing permanent, right?" I asked, already beginning to panic.

She shook her head. "No, nothing permanent in most cases. Especially when it's this mild. She's just going to need some rest for the next few days."

I frowned. "Rest? I thought you couldn't sleep after a concussion. Isn't that dangerous?"

Solo rolled her eyes at me. "She's a doctor, Beyoncé. She wouldn't recommend it if it was dangerous. Don't come at her with your Web MD degree."

Dr. Marsh chuckled. "No, it's okay. Questions are good as long as they're constructive. You can sleep after a concussion if you don't display certain symptoms such as dilated pupils, difficulty keeping up a conversation or trouble walking. Blue's concussion is mild so she's okay to sleep. It will actually be helpful. Allow her to brain some time to heal."

"Her brain," I repeated, looking down at Blue. "And you're sure she's going to have no permanent damage?"

Dr. Marsh smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry Mrs. Knowles-Carter. She should be fine. She might be a little out of it and cranky. She may also have changes in her sleeping and eating patterns. If these symptoms appear, don't be alarmed, it's normal. If they persist for more than a week, then bring her back. But like I said, she should be fine within a few days." She smiled at Blue, rubbing her back.

"Thank you so much, Dr. Marsh." I held out my hand, and she shook it.

"You are very welcome." She looked down at Blue. "And you, little miss, you focus and healing that beautiful brain of yours okay?"

Blue nodded, tears streaming down her face. Dr. Marsh walked out of the room, giving us a small wave before leaving. Solo stood up and started walking towards the door.

"Okay, let's get out of here," she said brusquely.

I frowned at her tone, but picked Blue up, following Solo out of the room.

As soon as we got in the car my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller ID: Kelly. I groaned. Why now? I looked in the back. Blue was already nodding off. I sighed, answering the phone.

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