Only One Way

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"I'm afraid you don't have much of a choice now do you!" The Titan spat at me as we stood there arguing in our minds. I am determined not to let him use me to get to the people I care about. Luke was standing a few feet in front of me, watching closely to determine what to do. I need to distract End so he won't go near anyone else.

"End stop this!"

"And why should I little nephew."

'He just had to play the 'we are related card didn't he!!' "Well, for one I'm sure you don't want to hu-"

"Your commander is not cooperating unfortunately." End spoke to Luke.

"Good for him." Luke said eyeing End.

"Actually, you see. I cannot feel pain since I am in his body so if something hurts him, it does not bother me. But, he he feels everything."

Oh no. This can't be good. "End, let's not g-" I was cut short by a searing pain in my side that only intensified. I was losing the little control that I still had ahold of End with. I felt End pull the dagger out. I then realized that there was only one way to stop him as I slipped out of consciousness..

I could feel it around me. The pure chaos, no pun intended. The fear, violence and pain caused by End. I wish I knew where he was!

I'm worried about Storm, he is my 'son'! I've been trying to find anything about his resent condition. And so far, I have found nothing. 'Im an awful father, I can't even care for my own son!'

"CHAOS!!" I nearly jumped out of my skin. It was only Avenger.

"Yes, what do you need?"

"Sir, I know what's wrong with Percy." That grabbed hold of my attention.

"What's wrong with him!!"

"Um... You need to see for yourself. Brace yourself." Luke responded quietly.

As I flash to Luke's location I only have one thought, 'please be okay Percy.' But when I got there I was stunned.


Percy was standing 20 yards away, but that wasn't really Percy. He doesn't hold himself with arrogance, he never has a masked murderer smirk on his face, and he does NOT have red, evil eyes. This cannot be happening! Why am I so stupid!! End injected Percy with a type of poison that lowers the strength of your body and mind enabling someone to control you. Why did I not see the signs!? I could gave stopped thus if I had known, but it's too late now.

There is only one way to stop him and I'm not sure I can go through with it...

Final BreathOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora