A haunting past

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"I thought those types of tribes were wiped out," Rhys shakes his head no and looks down at his teacup.

"Most of them yes, but there is a good handful that survived and travel constantly," he sniffles," we never really interact with the kingdoms and try our best to avoid meetings with the Alpha kings, since the leaders hate someone over them."

"And your the last omega in your Ibu tribe."

We make eye contact, I hand him a  napkin to wipe his tears away. A strand comes undone from his ponytail and I reach out to put it back. But he flinches.

"Rhys would you like to swim with me?" The little omegas eyed light up.

I stand and place my hand in front of him. He grabs it and we head to the rose pond.

Once Rhys saw the pond his eyes became so bright. I ushered him to the pond and we stripped down.

Once in the water I made work of washing his hair marvelling at the silky smoothness of his blonde hair. His jade green eyes become relaxed and his body putty under my care.

Soon he rinses off and splashes away.

Amber, I need you to acquire clothes for Rhys and a room to stay. I dont want anyone to know he is here I am trusting you.

Yes, Syris. Also I need a new bed frame.

I giggle at that, and answer a quick yes.

"Rhys, were you born into the Ibu Clan?"

His splashes stop green eyes meet mine.

"I was given to them by," his brows furrow," by my father. Alpha Snow."

"Your from the Snow Clan? Is Evelyn Pierce Snow your sister?"

He starts to cry, I bring his small body in for a hug, he was trembling and sobs rack through his small frame. I release more pheromones to calm him down.

"I'm sorry, it's just," he bites his lip in frustration," it's just I haven't heard her name in awhile. H-how is she?"

I shouldn't tell him, I shouldn't say what happened, but I don't want to lie to him. But I don't want to see his heart broken by me. But I must tell him.

I grab his hand, to comfort him.

"She was executed. By me for an attempt on my mate, the kings life."

He let's out a small pained laugh.

"Funny she gets killed for the reason I'm like this," again another couple of sobs leave his small body.

"What do you mean by that?"

"The only reason I'm in this life is because my sister couldn't wait for her own mate to come, and she always feared that he would be less good looking, so she hit on everyone. Until the day she hit on the wrong person, I was nine at the time but still knew what was going on. She had tried to flirt with one of the omegas from the Ibu tribe, apparently he was one of the favorites. The alpha at the time took great offense, and asked for the death of Evelyn or her to join his tribe. Evelyn had then presented as an alpha, though she presented quite late. I had presented on time but I wasn't allowed outside for the most part, so only my family and the servants knew I existed.

Evelyn loved that omega, more than then the appropriate amount. She and him devised the plan to kill the leader and run together. They were successful, but it still ended in tragedy. The omega was killed in front of Evelyn, and she was to be next. But I couldn't let that happen to her. They would need a new omega eventually.

My Alpha King JustinWhere stories live. Discover now