Fuck me harder Daddy!

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****waring sexual content ahead*****

Once Justin realized what was going on he spared no time getting me underneath him. Our limbs were i. Tangle as we passionately kissed our tongues fighting for domanice.

He of course won. We only sperated to take my shirt off. His lips begain to move lower, licking at his mark and causing me to moan loud. He goes lower his mouth attacking my harden nipple, his hand pinching the other, causing me to moan and whine.

His mouth and hand stop abusing my nipples, and he moves father down leaving hickeys in his wake.

He unzipped my pants and threw them somewhere, but I didn't have time to see where, before I felt his mouth on my member.

I was whimpering and crying out feeling that I was close, my hips jutted upward before Justin's hands held me back down. The overwhelming need to cum, came faster.

Cum for me princess.

With Justin's words I cum hard and fast into his mouth. I get up and push Justin down, getting on top of him. I rub my member against his, causing him to release a deep husky moan. I feel myself getting close but Justin's growl prevents me from relving myself.

He grabs my wasit and fills us over, my hands held tightly in his grip. My eyes roam his naked body. I don't remember when he got naked, but who cares when an absolute god is in between your legs. The need to have him and all 12 inches grew.

It was only our second time and I had already became a cock slut.

My cock slut.

Who ever thought voices in your head could be sexy. I line up Justin with my entrance and carefully sit on him. Taking all 12 inches.

I'm going to be so sore tomorrow.

Sore? You won't be able to walk tomorrow.

With that Justin flips us over and pounds into me mercilessly, hit my bundle of nerves everytime, making me cry his name out over and over again.

"Yes daddy! Fuck me till I'm pregnant with your child! Fuck me untill I can't walk anymore" I cry.

Justin takes the hint and speeds up to a lightning fast pace, again I scream daddy.

I whine feeling the need to cum. Justin growls, and kisses my lips, this kiss wasn't full of lust, it was full of love.

"Cum for me princess"

Those are the first words he has said throughout this entire time. I cum immediately. After a few more thrust he finishes inside me, pulls out and we fall asleep.

The next morning Justin made good on his promise. I couldn't move. But it was fine by me, that means that my heat is over and we can countine with things, I truly hate mating heats.

I roll over and lightly shake Justin awake. He let's out a sigh and pulls me toward him.

"Five more minutes" he grumbles.

I let out a huff, it seems I'll have to use force. I slip under the covers and grab his member. I use my hands to jerk him off, before using my tongue to slide up and down his dick. Licking his tip, I taking him into my mouth, giving him a blowjob. The covers are removed in a flash, and Justin fucks my mouth, after a few thrust he cums in my mouth . I take his dick out and swallow, letting his oddly sweet cum slide down my throat.

I look up and see Justin looking at me with a hard look.

"What was the need for that princess? If you wanted me up, could have asked. " he says in a stern voice but I could tell he enjoyed it throughly.
I flash my puppy dog face and stick my tongue out.

"But you wouldn't wake up!" I whine in my baby voice, causing Justin to grab me and set me on his lap.
"Can we take a shower please? I want to go to the garden, but since you fucked my spine into oblivion, I need you to help me walk."

Justin grabs me and we head to the bathroom.

20 minutes later we are in the garden, Justin reading in a chair, and me planting more flowers, to help make all the roses look even more beautiful.
I have sorta of a green thumb, I love plants, they were one of the few things that brought me joy. Before I was Luna, I had a small garden that was florushing, but died the day after my one and only friend went to war and died himself. I never understood why though.

I countined to plant my flowers untill a girl walked up to me, wearing almost nothing.

"Ah! A servant, finnally. Could you tell me where King Justin is?" I glare at her.  Does she not know she is talking to her Luna, her Queen as a servant.  I don't know why,  but that ticked me off.

I stand just about to tell her off,  when Justin walks up to her. She immediately, notices,  screeches his name and runs and jumps on him.

"Baby, I missed you so much!" and she  jumps down and kisses my mate.

The gardening tool snaps,  and the overwhelming urge to murder her grew.

Justin just as surprised as me,  reacts quickly. He pushes her off and looks at me with sorry eyes. 

"Evelyn, what the fuck." Justin moves away from 'Evelyn', good choice babe.
Evelyn looks sad for a moment before looking at me.

"Is it because your servant is here.  Just make him goaway, he is just a lowlife nobody.  Send him away baby." Alright, thats it.  I was getting ready to speak up but Justin beat me to it.

"First off,  Evelyn that servant over there, is my mate. Second off,  how dare you talk to your Luna like so. Third off,  I was never your baby.  I don't even like you Evelyn." Justin steps away and comes to me,  and stands by my side.

Evelyn looks at me in disgust, and I do the same back to her.

"Why would anyone want to be matted to an omega? A male omega at that. But Justin you have a choice me, an alpha who has a  higher chance at producing alpha children and more knowledge on how to run a kingdom then him, or a omega with a low chance of alpha babies who doesn't know how to run a kingdom.  I mean if you really didn't want to reject him,  he could still stay just out of public eye.  Claim me as your new mate and let me bear your children. Many people won't question it.  Plus I'm way better looking, and my power is probably way better than his,  and way more suited for you,  since it is fire.  Come on Justin there is no reason no to choose me!"

I stare at her in disbelief. She was delusional. He would never agree to that.  Thats basically against the goddess wishes,  and I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a death wish.

"No,  I will not. I love Syris with all of my body, heart ,and soul and wouldn't trade him for the world. " Justin grabs me and softly kisses me.

"Well since you won't get rid of him voluntarily, I'll just have to take actions into my own hands" Evelyn takes out, what seems to be a sliver knife,  which is deadly to wolves. 

I barely had to time react before Justin stood in front of me to take the blow.

Ha!  Another chapter, what do y'all think about Evelyn. Comment about it.

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