The Cries of War

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I shivered. Of course he would say that. And even though I was used to his death threats. But they were threats, I could tell he didn't have enough guts to kill me.

But this time I felt the certainty. The air around me thickened and got heavy with fear. My fear. Because I knew that he would do everything in his power to kill me. And maybe even his self, to get what he wants.

I was to lost in my fear that I didn't see where Alexander walked off to. I leave the balcony, just going where my feet take me. It seemed they wanted to go to Justin. I nearly run to his side but remember I have heels on, and don't want to trip and fall. I look at Justin and I hold out my hand.

He says goodbye to his company and comes over to me, and pulls me close.
We sway back and fourth going along to the rythm. We dance for what seems like hours, his hand on my hip distracting me from Alexander, from the newfound fear of his words. Something seems wrong in the air, like something bad is going to happen.

I tired to push the feeling away. But it sat there in the in the back of my mind. No matter how many times Justin kissed me, and crassesd my cheek. I wanted to run. But I didn't know why.

Once the song finished there was a horn from the stage, and there in all his fiery orange hair stood Alexander. Once Justin saw he pushed me slightly behind his back and noticed Amber and Kmarie next to me. I was protected on all sides.

Alexander walked back and forth on the stage slowly making all of us sweat anticipation.

"Ladys and gentlemen, I have an announcement. The Black Night officially removed its self from the peace treaty, and" he pauses and looks me straight into my eyes, his eyes scream I'm coming for you, and when I get there your dead." Declare war on all other kingdoms."

Its silence then all hell breaks loose.

Amber's point of view

It doesn't take long before Justin mind links me,and tells me take Syris and run. I rip off the bottom half of my dress to reveal shorts, throw Syris over my shoulder and dart for the doors. I'm able to take down a considerable amount of Black Night Rouges, and make it to the forest, I can feel Syris's tears stain my back.

It must be hard for him. In fact it his hard for him, considering he screamed at Justin to let him stay.

I continue running when I notice two scents, one smelling heavily of Vanilla
Cinnamon, the other belonging to Alexander.

I was sure about two things.

1. The mysterious wolf was my mate.
2. I might have to kill him.

The second thought caused my heart to constrict. But Syris was my first priority. I quickly mind linked Justin to tell him Alexander was after us, just before the big red and black wolf known as my mate crashes into me Syris is thrown across the grass, and rolls over just in time for Alexander to pounce on him.

I get up to go help him before I'm thrown against the floor by my now very human very sexy and very naked mate. He smirks, and I reach around to grab my weapon, but grab nothing.

I hear the clinging of metal on metal and notice Syris wielding my sword, against Alexander.

I am brought back to my situation when my mate chuckles.

"Cant beat me without a weapon mate."

I grind my teeth and my heart hardens. It doesn't matter if he is my mate I need to eliminate him quickly and help Syris until Justin gets here.

"No I dont need a weapon, I just wanted to make your sorry ass death quicker." I sneer.

We lunge at each other both intent on killing each other.

Justin's point of view

Once Syris was whisked away I headed straight for Alexander and knocked him down, chaos was erupting all around us, blood everywhere.

I growl into Alexander's face.

"What is the meaning of this!" I halfed yelled.

Alexander giggled.

"I thought you knew already. I want you" his hands cup my cheeks and orangey scent floods the air" I lied you know, about killing my mate."

I looked down at him hatred in my heart, it still doesn't change anything.

"He's actually the King of Black Night Kingdom. Oh dont give me that look. Yes he was against it at first. Seeing as how his entire kingdom was built to be straight as a line. But it didn't take long, a few blowjobs, and fucks later I had him wrapped around my finger. He didn't know my true plan. But with simple blackmailing I gained a high position in his kingdom, as his royal advisor. I conned him into going to war with you all. It didn't take much convincing, since they hated all the same sex relationships in The Land of Hymm. But enough talking for now I have an omegan bitch to kill."

He kisses me, and while distracted, Brandon knocks me over, making me release my hold on his mate. Alexander runs and I try to mind link Amber but is stopped by a fist connecting to my jaw. I grab the wrist attached to the fist and flip them over only to be met with the eyes of Brandon.

"You know he is just using you!"

I notice the love sick expression of Brandon and realize he is to far gone.

I grab his arm again and body slam him to the floor knocking him hopefully unconscious.

Justin Alexander has caught up with us. Get here now!

On my way.

When I look up Brandon is gone. But I have no time to fret. I high tail it out of there shifting into my wolf. As I run I smell smoke and realize it's me burning the forest floor. But I push on my mates scent becoming so much more clearer. I see the fluttering of his scarlet dress, and push my self harder.

Syris point of view

I block Alexander with Amber's sword again almost falling back from the force. My heels were broken, my dress barely together and I had cuts in my arms from were I couldn't block with a sword.

I bring the sword up again and slash at Alexander's chest barely missing his slash at me. I smell Justin a smile comes to my face. But there is another  one, an alpha scent. I dont know how Justin didn't realize. This was an ambush.

I  kick Alexander to the ground I take his weapon and throw it far. I look to Amber, to see she has hog tied the wolf.
That's when I saw it, the other alpha lunge for an unsuspecting Justin i jump from Alexander. I run and open my mother to warn him. But is grab just as Justin gets pounced on.

But before Amber could come help me the wolf that was hot tied broke free.

I screamed but it never came out, because by then Alexander had drove a sliver dagger threw my heart.

Dont hate me I promise it will get better!

My Alpha King JustinWhere stories live. Discover now