Please don't leave me.

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After the incident, Justin was immediately taken to a doctor, and Evelyn was taken to the dungeon to await her trial.

Currently I was in the room with an unconscious Justin. It's been three days and I haven't left his side. The maids try and make me take care of my self, but I refused.

The doctor said that despite how deep the wound it wasn't as fatal as it was supposed to be. The doctor was baffled, saying Justin should have died.

He was resting I again was at his side when a guard informed me that today is Evelyns trial. I was supposed to decide her fate, and I can't leave my Royal duties behind, so I left my mate and headed with the guard to the throne room.

Once there I was seated in my throne, and waited till Evelyn got here. She was brought in with sliver chains keeping her hands and feet at a close distance.

She is instantly brought to her knees, by none other than Kamarie herself. Evelyn looks at me and I see sadness in her eyes. I begain to regeret my deison. But I remember that she could have killed my mate, and my heart hardens once again. She notices and looks down. Good, she knows there is no hope for mercy.

"Evelyn Peirce Snow, do you know why you are here on trail?" I say in the most mature voice I can muster.

She looks up, with eyes that say 'don't make me say it aloud'. My eyes say 'face your punishments'.

"Yes your majesty, for harming the king, " she mummers.

"And you know the penalty for this correct?"

Evelyn hesitates, she seems pained by what's to come.

"Death," she barely whispers, her head hung low.

Amber stands up and walks in front of me. Murder clearly evident in her eyes.

"Permission to kill Luna." she kneels in front of me.

"Permission granted," I say ice slipping into my voice.

Amber stands, nods, and turn towards Evelyn. Before she turns her blue eyes turn an even more electrifying blue.

Amber quickly snaps Evelyn's neck, and her body slumped to the floor. Her body is quickly dragged away to be burned and her ashes to be spread in the dishonorable grave yard, where all go if you betray the kingdoms morals, and laws.

I stand and dismiss the Court and walk quickly to Justin's room. Once I get there I notice the door is open and Justin is sitting up talking with the doctor. I must have made a noise, because he looks up and smiles. It melts my very being.

"Come here princess," I can tell the doctor doesn't agree with any type of physical contact. But it the king, what can she do.

I run and almost jump on the bed, but slow down to gently get on Justin's lap. I hug him, and we kiss. I missed his lips. So soft and reasurring. Soon my hands fly to his hair, and his lips trail down, licking and nipping at my jaw, decending to my neck, loitering it with kisses and bite marks, claiming me as his.

But before he can countine, the doctor clears his throat, and Justin stops his hickey rampage. What a cock blocker. Justin turns me around and I lean against his chest careful not to disturb his wound. The doctor clears his throat again and begins to speak.

"Alpha your wounds healed up quite nicely, now I would advise you stay and get bed rest, but you can leave and go to your own room. " he finishes. I notice him looking at the hickeys that littered my skin.

Justin's growl snaps both me and the doctor back into reality.

"Doctor endless ypu want to lose the ability to see. I suggest you keep your eyes off my mate. " I shiver at how posseiveness laced within his voice.

The doctor quickly apologies and scrambles out the room, leaving me and Justin to our own affairs.

He once still hands countine there exploration, mesmerising everything from toe to tip. Paying extra attention to my steadily growing erection, rubbing every so slightly. The action still makes me mewl. Justin flips us over and begains to make new hickeys and making the existing ones more prominent. His hands trail up my shirt playing with my semi-hard nipples, griping them and rubbing them in between his fingers. Causing me to realise an silent moan.

I wanted him.

I needed him.

There was a knock on the door.

I'm beginning to hate this room.

Justin growls. I think he hates it here too.

"Come in," he manages to get out before flipping us back over, and setting me in his lap. I snuggle into his arms as the door opens. A man walks in covered in fine silk, and jewelry. His presence screams Lord, or a very well of Duke. He grabs a chair and scoots closer to us, Justin tensing as this mysterious stranger does so. He looks at my mate, then his green eyes land on me. In those eyes I could see hatred, hatred for me. But I've never met this red headed man before, and if I did I would remember since red hair is as rare as black. I don't know why, but it feels like I have destroyed his family, or some that he love.

In a way you have taken someone he loved. Justin says, even in my head I can still hear the distress.

But how? I've never seen him, nor do I know anyone associated with him, so how could I have done such an awful thing. I question trying to make since of this hatred.

No love, he's upset because you took me away from him. Syris met Alexander Cadwell, my past lover.

I pale at his words.

"So I see he has told you then, so there is no need for formalities." Alexander says in a smooth voice. He heal out his hand and we shook hands. Justin let out a deep breath and puts on his stern face.

"Alexander why are you here." Hes question didn't sound like one, it sounded more like a command. Almost to an alpha command but not quite. Alexander looks at Justin with so much love it upsets me. So in retaliation I nuzzle me nose into his neck, pissing Alexander off.

"Isn't obvious, I'm here for you. Once news got around that the almighty Alpha King Justin Cross got stabbed, I had to make sure my beloved was okay. I don't want you leaving before I claim what's mine-" his eyes dart to me with malice intent "- and becoming the luna." I stiffen. So he was just a Male version of Evelyn. Just with alot more experience.

Alexander smiles a wicked smile.
"But my plan to remove the Luna isn't going as planned since my main pawn was decapitated. I'll guess I'll have to find a new strategy, what a pain. Who new a lowly slave could have this much luck." Justin growls and holds on to me tighter.

"How dare you plot on your lunas life." Alexander looks at me. There was no remorse in them. He smiled another wicked smile. His eyes glossing over as he began to speak.

"Easy. Because he took the one thing that mattered in life. The one that was mine."

He leaves slamming the door behind him, leaving me and Justin in fear of what was to come.

Sorry about the really late update, last week was hectic and I forgot to write. But I'll be back on regular schedule this week.

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