Omega, Gone

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I was hospitalized for two days; my god abilities did not return until the last day. Rhys had no scent to track, and we have not seen hide nor hare of Jaques. The staff in the kingdom was all questioned to see how Were bane, a deadlier version of wolfs bane that could potentially kill your inner wolf at high doses, made it into our tea. That, mind you, was not requested. Even the guards we under, hence why no one was patrolling the grounds when we were attacked.

My recovery had taken two days, but Justin took longer. I could feel his emotions through our bond. He felt that he failed Rhys, seeing how he promised he would not get captured again, he felt an even greater grief when he thought about me. those thoughts would lead to stray tears slipping down his cheeks. My omega side would immediately seek to comfort our alpha. I would climb on his lap and hold his head to my chest until he could calm down. It did not happen much. But when it did it broke my heart.

It was the second day since Rhys abduction. We managed to catch a whiff of his distressed scent, heading east. It was faint but it was our only clue. We had put together a small group, that should be strong enough to defeat Jaques

We set out east, on the third day. We had a party of seven. Justin held up the front, Amber and I flanking his sides. The rest of our party staggered behind. With the way we were walking it appeared as if we were going to war.


We were in a clearing, an odd area to be devoid of trees. We were walking for what felt like hours, Rhys scent beginning to weaken.

That is when we saw him. Clad in red and standing out like a sore thumb, was Jaques. He had a slight stubble, no doubt from the week he spent in the dense forest.

He let out a bored sigh" I told those idiots to make sure that bitch, didn't release any scent," he huffed again." Well there is no helping it, we will just have to kill you now instead of later."

Wolves appeared from the tree lines, fully shifted, with their smell muted. I counted at least twenty in my line of sight.

It was tense, each side waiting for their signal.

And with one final whistle, the leashes of tension were cut.

Amber went for the biggest wolf possible shifting before her jaws closed around its neck. He whined and went down with little restraints. Justin had taken the opposite side, while I went to locate Jaques, who slipped away mid battle.

I needed to find Rhys, and we had a score to settle.

Running through the trees at maximum wolf speed, I caught his scent and a visual of him. He was alone. I increased my speed, able to nip at his hind legs, disrupting his steady run. A few more times and I gained enough speed to pounce. We rolled into another clearing, jaws snapping at each other claws marring each other's fur. We separated after I severely wounded his side, and he managed to tear fur from my throat.

We stood circling each other, neither one willing to pounce just yet. Roses started to form from my blood leaking out of my wounds. He saw them eyes widening. He shifted. I followed.

"Where is he?" I managed to keep my voice calm but the roses where growing around me shifting from deadly white, to eerie calm black.

He laughed at sad pathetic laugh.

"Who would have thought you would come to find the bitch? The gods must have it out for my head. Who would not? I failed the first time," I could almost see the bridge of insanity breaking in his eyes. He was too far gone. "OH- the irony! To be beaten by the god of life and death!"

He cried out into the night sky.

Then there was silence.

With swiftness I did not think he could possess he ran towards me again. I blocked his advances but could not gain the upper ground.

All the while he was muttering about how he failed his clan, how the gods merely wanted to test me, that they did not want me dead. He had finally snapped.

With roses I banded him to a nearby tree. He was struggling cutting himself on the thorn vines. we both were breathing heavily.

"Where is he?"

Jaques looked at me, something in him had given up.

"I'll tell you if you promise to save them, save them from the remain alphas, those omegas don't deserve this. Rhys didn't," he was crying now.

then it hit me. He was doing it for his tribe. Who was mostly alphas and considering the number of alphas that were in the original fighting ground, it must have been most of the tribe. He sent them to slaughter us knowing they would not make it.

"Why? Why! tell me why?" He looked down.

" I didn't see at first, to be honest I didn't care. They were omegas, they were breeding tools, it was law in our tribe. Then I witnessed the inner workings of your kingdom. Everyone had a right to choose, and it made me fill with anger. I prayed to the gods to bestow me with power to kill you. To bring your entire Kingdom down. But it made me wonder. I investigated the omegas and paid attention to them. They did not smile unless it was to get out of sleeping with an alpha. I saw the abuse they went through. Then my plan changed. I tried to change our ways, but that were stuck in their old ways."

"I knew it would continue, so I had to put a stop to it. I allowed Rhys to release is scent. I led you hear so you could do what I could not, I needed you to wipe out the Ibu tribe alphas. And then once I could grantee the life of my child and the barren omegas ask to too end mine. Because despite my sudden burst of righteousness, I rapped Rhys. I was no better."

I retracted the thorns, I could very well see the guilt he had. He was remorseful. He wanted to make it better.

I nodded my head.

"No, that won't do, Syris promise me that you'll help every omega that the Ibu tribe has wronged! Promise me that they will be taken care of, happy with whomever they choose. Promise me."

" I promise," it was a binding promise made way by respect, and godly duty.

" They are in a cave 10 miles away from this clearing," I nodded and sent the information via pack link to Justin." Now pleases God of Balance return me and my Alpha brethren to the ground," with that he slumped forward.

Taking a petal, I gave him a painless death, and returned his body back to the earth. Tapping into the balance I located the alphas who were fighting in the clearing I killed them in a fellow swoop, making sure to return their bodies.

Justin found me first

"Syris, your bleeding," I shake my head no," Not mine, at least not completely."

I shuffled towards him, hugging him tightly.

"Now let's go get Rhys back"


Hey guys miss me, back with an update that I hope you all enjoy!!!!!!!

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