Our Future

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We found them exactly as promised. They were indeed huddled together all cowering from the remaining alphas. Rhys was in front of them protecting of sorts. He was an already pregnant omega, who was bound to their now-deceased alpha. If they hurt him they disrespect the alpha.

The alphas were killed immediately. The seven omegas left all cried with joy. Rhys, a little wobbly on his feet, ran to me. once in my arms I released a sigh.

"I told them you'll come for us, I knew you would, I just knew it," his body was trembling, but other than that he was perfectly fine.

"Of course, I would, your my packmate, and I promised to protect you," I hug him tightly.

After more crying and hugs graced upon us by the remaining omegas, we headed out for the kingdom. Once arrived, the omegas were shown to a guest house and made sure they were taken care of, by Justin personally.

I go off to find Rhys, and see him talking to one of the guards that helped in the rescue mission. The guard was blushing madly at what seemed to be praise falling out of the omega's mouth.

"Rhys!" The omega in question turns to face me and the guard turns to leave.

"I know from Jaques, that you weren't hurt, but I wanted to make sure," I hug him tightly and scent him.

"I've missed you terribly," Rhys scents me back and we erupt in giggles.

"So more important things, you gave that alpha such a blush, I fear he will not recover enough to resume his duties," It is Rhys's turn to blush heavily now.

"He was one of the guards that personally helped the omegas get settled. He was very kind, even at the omegas that were throwing themselves at him. So kind and respectful. He also smells wonderful."

I smile. Things were changing, for the better. Rhys was going to have his child any month now and from the looks of it a caring alpha to help raise his pups.

I grab his hand and bring it closer to my chest. I throw on a fake pout and puppy dog eyes.

"Rhys it sounds like your trying to leave me all alone."

Rhys rolls his eyes.

"How could I ever think of leaving without my child's godmother."

I look disbelieving at him.

"Really? Me?" Rhys rolls his eyes " Yes after all you have done for me, did you really think that you wouldn't be important enough?"

I hug Rhys tightly, crying tears of joy.

"Rhys thank you so much. You have brought great pride to your Luna. This calls for a joyous occasion! A feast if you will."

We dissolve into another fit of giggles before we bid our goodbyes.

Justin is in his study once I finally locate him, pondering over maps of our territories, from the looks of it he is planning farmland acres.

I shuffle my way to his side and snuggled him, deeply inhaling as I get comfortable at his side. From our bond, I can sense happiness, and I burrow even further into his side.

"Justin, guess what happened?"

"What my love?" I blush at the pet name.

"No, no, no, your supposed to guess darling, it's no fun if you give up right away!" I giggled.

Justin grabbed me by the waist and sat me on his lap. I pushed my nose into his neck scenting his neck. He let out a purr.

Justin pretends to contemplate "You have discovered a new type of country where no one was a were?" I shake my head, " there is a new type of alcohol that induces heat?" I could hear the amusement in his voice.

I let out a fake annoyed huff. "One more guess my love," I kiss his cheek.

"You have figured out, with that big beautiful big brain of yours, to project words from books into instant pictures?"

I huff at him and his arms tighten.

"Rhys has asked me to be the Godparent of his pup!" Justin smiled and embraced me with kisses.

"And when we have our own then he can also claim the title"

Justin touches our foreheads together.

Our own?

Yes, my scarlet rose, our own.


A few months later and Konstantine Freeheart was born. After Rhys's new mate. Somewhere in between those months, they grew quite attached, the guard and he, and Rhys declared to everyone that Douglas Freeheart was his mate and any unclaimed omegas needed to back off. Afterwards they marked each other and became official.

The day that Konstantine came into this world was hectic, to say the least. It was quite cold outside, the snow creating a beautiful blanket of white on the forest floor.

I was planning out the upcoming ball when I heard him.


I could practically hear his whine.

Syris my child, I'm going into labor. Everything hurts, hurts so much. How do others do this! This hurts I need you.

Then I lose connection, unknowingly to me, my legs have already started to carry me to the hospital ward. There I found a pacing Douglas, who stunk with worry.

"Luna!" Douglas's face relaxed slightly. "Luna your here! Rhys has been asking for you, he is not yet ready to give birth, but he will in a few hours. He is in so much pain it's making the alpha in me angry at the pain my omega is being caused," Douglas grabs my hand and we shuffle into the room.

I release his hand and go to Rhys's bedside.

"How are you doing darling?" Rhys grabs my hand in a death grip.

"It fucking hurts. Why do all omega want this, why do so many have so many children? I feel as if I'm going to die and this is the first."

Rhys lets out a pained laugh. I squeeze his hand

"I truly do not know, but I agree it is severely fucked up "

After that everything is a blur, Justin came in right as Rhys was giving birth, and after hours, Konstantine Freeheart was born. He was quite tiny but healthy.

I sense him before I look at him.

Jaques looks down at his pup.

"He will grow up to be strong, unlike his father, he will protect those who are precious to him." He looks at me, "I was able to see my son in exchange I give you a message, that our sons are destined for Godhood, whether we like it or not, our children a destined to be with each other, two halves of the same coin, complete and total opposites on there own, but the same together. The day to his night. But there will be problems, beware the kingdoms that lie beyond the land of Hymm, for peace cannot be forever," and with his final message, Jaques reentered the spirit realm.

"Syris, would you like to hold Konstantine?" Rhys was groggy and it seemed while I was talking to Jaques every had already scented the pup.

I shake my head and the pup gets placed into my hands. Already I can feel the surge of spiritual energy, the warmth, almost as if the sun was bundled up into my arms.

I could feel it.

"Yes Konstantine Freeheart, you will be destined for great things."

This is the end of My alpha king Justin, thanks for coming along for the ride😳😳😚😚

But I like totally need advice rn, should I start a new book or should the kid's story be in this one

With major gay love, ur author is out

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