Ball of The Four Kings

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"There are four kingdoms in the land of Hymn. Moonshine, Black Night, Darr, and Ríocht. Once every five years the kingdoms get together to show and honor our peace treaty."
Justin lectures while we are in the bath. We had an hour before we had to go to a meeting.

This would be my first one, since becoming Luna. He briefed me on the history and what the meeting was to discuss. In short we were going to discuss location and theme. But before that I was to meet the other Lunas, while Justin spoke with the other alphas.

Once bathed we both got dressed and headed our separate ways. Kmarie walked Justin while Amber walked me. We were to head to the garden, where I would have tea, and Amber would keep watch.

Once outside I notice the other Lunas were already seated together, but one. The one from Black Night kingdom sat by her lonesome. I felt bad and was going to offer to sit with her, but the other lunas waved my over. I sit down and introduce myself.

"Hello. I'm Syris Luna of the Moonshine Kingdom." I greet while sitting down.

The female speaks up.

"Hello, I'm Sara, Luna of Darr Kingdom, and over there is Eillot Luna of Ríocht." The pale boy shook my hand, while the girl poured some tea.

Pointing to the Luna by herself " That is Karen, Luna of the Black Night. She is a real bitch."

Elliot giggles, and I try to hold back my laughter, but ultimately failed. She joins in with our laughter, and it's a while before we die down.

We all talk some more, and I found out that Sara's mate is the only female alpha in the entire land of Hymm. The only person who has a problem with her and her mate is the King of Black Night.

It seems the Black Night kingdom doesn't like to play along.

Eventually we were called by our mates to help plan the theme. Once settled into the meeting room, we started to brainstorm. There was the idea of a fantasy masquerade, or an over grown garden. The fantasy theme won.

We all left to room with our mates in hand to help direct the flow of decorations. By dinner the ballroom was transformed into a fantasy wonder land. It was beautiful.

Soon we all retired to our respect bedrooms, since the ball was tomorrow, and we would spend a good part of the day getting ready we would spend as much time as we could with our mates.

After our bath I cuddle with Justin, just happy to be in his presence.

"Justin I have a question."

Justin looks up at me, and nods his head giving me the okay to ask.

"Why is the black Night Kingdom so, distant?"

This question has been bothering me for a while. Everyone in that kingdom looks distant and mean. Even the rulers do. Justin thinks before he answers and looks down towards me.

"The Black Night kingdom was the last one to join the alliance. But they never really wanted to in the first place. That kingdom still believes in the old ways, before the first omegan-alpha-male pair. My father told me that if you were mated to a man while being a man yourself, you or your mate had to die. When my grandfather was king only the kingdom of Darr and Moonshine were in an alliance, by at the time my father was the only O.A.M pair in the land of Hymm to be public. Since my grandfather was alpha he made a treaty to end the killing of O.A.M pairs. The kingdom of Darr agreed right away, and once we made treaty with Roícht they agreed immediately. But not every kingdom is perfect. The people in each of our kingdoms fled to  Black Night. It wasn't a problem at first until one pair killed my grandfather's mate. That caused the first war."

I remember that war my parents, when they loved me, use to boast about one of our ancestors being the best healer on the field.

"We went to war and my grandfather forcibly made Black Night join our alliance. They had no choice, or there entire kingdom would have been wiped out."

I understood now why they seemed so distant. I snuggled up to Justin, and he placed a small kiss on my head and we both drifted off to sleep.


The next morning I was rushed from Justin's side to get ready for the ball. I was bathed in scarlet roses, and my hair was brushed into a beautiful ponytail, with bits and pieces of rose scattered strategically in my hair. Bit what I was most proud of was the dress I chosen. It was a beautiful scarlet dress adorned with white roses  and pearls. I looked like a garden pixie and I loved every bit of it.

I placed the mask over my eyes and found Justin waiting out out side of my dress chambers.

He was absolutely breathtaking. He was also dressed in roses but his were black and white compared to me. We wore the same colored mask that showed we were mated.

Justin walk up to me, I could tell he was also as smitten as me. The sudden urge to rip his clothing and lick up his six pack, was strong. Justin's eyes flickered yellow as I bit my lip. I let it go once I heard him growl.

"I can already hear your thoughts of you wanting me to fuck you into oblivion. Dont temp me by biting that lip of yours."

I blush hard and grab his hand, we walk to the ballroom and part ways promising to give each other a dance.

I find Elliot first dancing with his mate in the most beautiful mermaid tail dress I have ever seen.

I wave to him and he waves back before his mate steals his attention back again.

Next I happen apon Sara alone. I walk up to her and hug her. She squeals and tells me to turn around. I do as told and she hugs me again, we exchange more compliments and head our separate ways.

The next person I recognized was Amber. She looked absolutely breathtaking, her red dress looked so lovely and hugged her body the right way, she was wearing simple makeup but it still worked with the outfit. But what I truly couldn't get over was her trusty swords still attached to her back, and I'd  bet you she had a dagger under her slited dress. I wave and she does her normal Amber nod and goes back to talking to Kmarie who also followed Amber's idea to wear her bow as well on top of her midnight blue dress.

I walk to the balcony and look at the moon, and follow the constellations with my eyes, a voice clears it self and I'm looking at the all to familiar head of Alexander. He has also worn roses. But his were as fiery red as his hair. For some reason I'm not scared. I know he could take my life but it doesn't seem to make me nervous as it use to.

"What a coincidence that I stumble into you here, Syris."

I scoff I had no patience for this.

"What is it that you want Alexander? "

He laughs and rolls his eyes.

"That's simple."

He look dead at me

"Your death."

Yay I did it.
Guys ready for this dramaaa

My Alpha King JustinDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora